Monday, December 20, 2010

美国继续对平壤“战略忍耐” US remains patient with North Koreans

North Korea is again moving up the international agenda with the revelation that it has been developing a secret nuclear plant – and further allegations this week that it may be hiding other facilities as well.


The question being asked in Washington, Seoul and Tokyo is: how urgent a threat does Pyongyang now represent?


At stake is the sustain­ability of the current US approach of “strategic patience”, which seeks to contain and apply pressure on North Korea, rather than rushing to give it concessions. That tactic depends on US efforts to convince China, North Korea’s greatest ally and source of support, to step up pressure on Pyongyang. The US campaign is set to reach its climax when President Hu Jintao of China visits Washington next month.


First impressions might suggest the US approach is flawed, since North Korea appears to have put in place an apparently extensive uranium enrichment programme despite tough sanctions intended to keep the country in check.


However, a senior US administration official told the Financial Times that North Korea obtained much of its nuclear equipment before new UN sanctions last year, and that the US had to assume the country had other uranium enrichment-related sites beyond the facility announced last month. Enrichment can yield both nuclear fuel and weapons-grade material.


“It wouldn’t be shocking to the US if North Korea were to announce the existence of another enrichment site,” said another US official. “They haven’t exactly been careful about tipping the world off to their enrichment activities. They’ve made some bone-headed moves that have accelerated our ability to learn what they’re up to.”


US officials say Pyong­yang is unlikely to have built its newly announced enrichment facility from scratch in little more than a year, as it claims. Instead, they say it probably shipped centrifuges from other, undeclared, facilities where they were tested and assembled.


So, rather than confronting a country that has set up an enrichment facility in very little time in spite of sanctions, Washington seems to be dealing with one that developed the programme in secrecy over the preceding years.


The flipside is that North Korea’s programme is more extensive and sophisticated than had been thought, and US intelligence has been inconsistent.


Sig Hecker, the visiting scientist who saw the recently unveiled enrichment plant, said its control room was “astonishingly modern”. But he added that, although he was assured the plant was now working, he was not able to verify this – highlighting one of the uncertainties about the programme.

访问朝鲜时见识过该国新公开的铀浓缩工厂的科学家西格•赫克(Sig Hecker)表示,该工厂控制室“的现代化程度高得令人吃惊”。但他补充说,尽管他被告知工厂当时正在运行,但他无法证实这一点——从中可见朝鲜核计划充满不确定性。

Still, Washington says it is clear that North Korea has made more nuclear progress than Iran – producing enough plutonium for six to eight bombs and even overtaking Tehran on uranium enrichment. One South Korean report on Wednesday suggested that Pyongyang was preparing for a third plutonium test next year, although Seoul officials said there was no concrete evidence.


The US continues to see Tehran as a much bigger international threat than North Korea, partly because of Pyongyang’s more limited ambitions: to acquire political and economic concessions in response for changing its behaviour – a path some officials liken to a protection racket.


Indeed, some US officials, such as Gary Samore, Barack Obama’s top adviser on proliferation, say the possibility of nuclear trade with Iran is their biggest concern about North Korea.

事实上,包括奥巴马首席核问题顾问加里•萨默尔(Gary Samore)在内的一些美国官员均表示,对于朝鲜的核计划,他们最担心的是朝鲜可能和伊朗之间存在核交易。

So despite the recent claims, US officials say they are sticking to their current course of action. North Korea may now be a bigger threat than it was – but not yet so big that Washington has fundamentally altered its calculations.


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