Tuesday, December 28, 2010

搞笑版《非洲留英学生家信》 Yours baffled, on austerity, Bono and&n

Dear Father,


Greetings from London, where everyone is talking about “cuts”. Just like those times when you battled with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Remember that day when two young men came to your office? It was their first visit to Africa. They were clever. One worked for the Bank, the other the Fund. You were permanent secretary in education. They wanted to talk about cuts: in the civil service, in health, in education, in state-owned corporations, everywhere, cuts. You came back to our house that night very angry.

我从伦敦送来问候。现在这里人人都在谈论“削减开支”。就像回到了你和国际货币基金组织(IMF)及世界银行(World Bank)作斗争的日子。你还记得那天吗?那两个年轻人走进你的办公室。他们是第一次到访非洲。两个聪明的年轻人,一个为世界银行工作,另一个供职于IMF。当时你任教育部常务秘书。他们想和你谈谈“削减开支”的事:从公务员系统,到医疗、教育和国有企业,处处都要削减。那天晚上,你回到家里,怒气冲冲。

“These clever boys with their structural adjustment programmes, they will make life very hard, they will destroy a generation,” you told Mother at dinner.


Here in England, there is the same talk, same words, same ideas.


“And perhaps same results,” said cousin Didymus. Our English friend Anthony, who wants to go to university, did not laugh.


“Not funny,” he said.


Thank goodness, the IMF and the Bank don’t bother us in Africa as much as they used to. Instead they now watch Ireland – just like they used to watch us, when they sat in their central bank office, the one next to the governor’s.


Who, by the way, is on the African Union delegation that will advise the Irish on “stakeholder ownership and grassroots participation and thorough consultation”? I hear they will meet Bono, who will lead supermodels, popstars and BBC newsreaders in an appeal to “Drop Ireland’s Debt”.


Anthony tells me there will be an airlift to Dublin of aid experts, development consultants and cross-cutting specialists, even.


He says he might join them, and do a year off pre-university in Ireland.


In their last letter to me, my sister and brother asked me to explain these cuts in England. I will try. Some things I know they will not believe, but they are true. Other things are very difficult to explain, and I myself am still learning. When I asked my lecturer in sociology to explain things, he said “poverty is relative”. This means . . . well, I am not sure.


But first, much has happened since I left home and came to study here. It is costing more than we thought. But I am lucky. Very lucky. I have work at McDonald’s. They pay me the minimum wage, £6 an hour. Some of my English friends call this a “rubbish” rate. I think this is why very few English students are working at McDonald’s.


I tell them that in a single weekend, working overtime, I earn what my youngest brother is paid as a security guard, for one year. Anthony is asking his parents and their friends to sponsor him, and raise money for his “gap year”. This means he wants them to buy his ticket to Africa. He says he will come to our country and help the people living in slums. This would be “brilliant”, he informed me.


Now let me answer about the “cuts”. People are very afraid of the cuts, especially “savage cuts”, that will come soon. Every day they are crying. I have listened carefully.


These are some of the things I have learnt. This part of the letter, my family, you may not believe. But I promise you, it is true.


First, in this country the government pays people to have children. One thousand pounds! Yes, I know – that is the average income of our people!


One thousand! For every child. Every year. Until they are 18.


Didymus says you are not to tell Uncle Tangwenya. Already he is father to seven. If he were promised money for making his children, he would come to London and no woman would be safe, says Didymus.


These child allowances will soon be cut, says the government. For me, it is duck’s water off my back, but for parents it is very worrying.


My sister Patience asked me if it was true that children in England did not have to walk to school. This is correct. If a child lives more than three miles from school, the council must provide transport. By taxi, even! Yes, that is the law.


But there is great fear that the cuts could end this. Other things may be cut. The children of my neighbour are very lazy, and are still sleeping when they should be at school. Yes! Sleeping! Even though they have a proper college with books and teachers, and classrooms with windows, with glass in them.


But if they arrive each day on time, they get paid! Yes! Twenty pounds a week. Just for getting to their college on time. They call it the “education maintenance allowance”.


Next time I will tell more about this “cuts” business – though much of it you won’t believe. At home, when you are sacked, you can starve. In this country, never. Never! There are “redundancy payments” and “unemployment benefits” and training schemes.


I must finish now, otherwise I will be late for work. Didymus told me to ask my sociology teacher: “Is hunger relative, just like you say poverty is relative?”


“Funny you should ask,” he replied, “because that is the subject of your next essay. Hand it in to me by Tuesday.”


Didymus said I must write what Kenneth Kaunda said after years of cuts in Zambia: “The medicine was so strong it killed the patient.”

迪戴莫斯说,我应该写上赞比亚前总统肯尼思•卡翁达(Kenneth Kaunda)在该国缩减开支多年后所说的话:“药力太强也会害死病人。”

Anthony was very interested. “Are the people in Zambia still hurting?” he asked.


“Yes”, I said. He looked more cheerful: “Sounds a good place for my gap year. If I don’t go to Ireland . . . ”


Your loving son.


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