Thursday, February 24, 2011

百思买关闭所有中国门店 Best Buy brand shuts up shop in China and Turkey

Best Buy, the world’s largest electronics retailer by sales, is closing all of its branded stores in China, highlighting the resistance of Chinese shoppers to some western-style store experiences.

全球销售额最高的电器零售商——百思买(Best Buy)正关闭所有在中国的自有品牌门店,突显中国消费者对一些西式店内体验的抵制。

The retailer, which will continue to run 170 stores in China under the Five Star brand acquired five years ago, is also giving up an attempt to enter Turkey, with the closure of two trial-run stores opened in the past two years.

该零售商还将放弃进军土耳其的尝试,关闭过去两年内开张的两家试运行门店。在中国,它将继续经营5年前收购的五星电器(Five Star)品牌下的170家门店。

The company said in a statement that it would close all nine China stores that carry the Best Buy brand, one of the best known US retail marques, but one that has failed to catch on in China. It captured less than 1 per cent of the China market, analysts said, struggling to compete against the more agile and aggressive homegrown rivals Gome and Suning, which each have more than 1,000 branded stores in China.


Best Buy’s business model in the US, where the brand markets itself as providing a better service than its competitors, has not gone down well in China. “Best Buy believed it could grab market share in China by offering high-quality service and a good shopping experience,” says Torsten Stocker, retail analyst at Monitor Group. “But what determines Chinese consumers’ purchasing decisions is price, not service.”

百思买在美国的商业模式——在营销中定位于提供比竞争对手更好的服务,在中国遭遇了“水土不服”。摩立特集团(Monitor Group)零售分析师唐仕德(Torsten Stocker)表示:“百思买曾相信,它可以通过提供优质服务与良好的购物体验,来夺得中国市场的份额。但是,左右中国消费者购买决定的是价格,而非服务。”

Best Buy’s store strategy was also at odds with local habits. Chinese retailers generally divide up electronics and other large- ticket items by leading brands, rather than category, supported by sales staff working for the manufacturers rather than for the retailer.


Home Depot and Kingfisher, the US and UK home improvement retailers, have also struggled with western- style sales models in China. In contrast, Chinese shoppers have enthusiastically embraced modern supermarkets and discount stores operated by leading international retailers including Walmart, Metro and Tesco.


Dora Sahintürk, from Istanbul retail specialist AVM Mfi Partners, said Best Buy had suffered in Turkey from trying to compete on quality in a price-sensitive market.

伊斯坦布尔零售专业公司AVM Mfi Partners的多拉(Dora Sahintürk)表示,百思买试图在土耳其这个价格敏感市场与别人竞争质量,因而吃了亏。

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