Wednesday, January 12, 2011

香港——人民币套利“天堂”? Hong Kong price differentials create renminbi openings

If Beijing had its way, China would transform the renminbi into an international medium of exchange without granting any concessions to the speculators desperate to get their hands on the currency.


But things are not that simple. Policymakers are discovering the renminbi trade settlement programme – the year-and-a-half-old scheme that allows Chinese companies to settle cross-border trade deals in their own currency – is more intimately linked to financial speculation than many would like to admit.


A hint of this came on December 23, when the Hong Kong Monetary Authority – the territory’s monetary guardian, which is working closely with the People’s Bank of China – sent a cautionary letter to banks in the territory.


As well as announcing technical adjustments to the rules governing the use of renminbi in the special administrative region, the HKMA made it clear banks must boost their efforts to prevent companies from using phoney trade documents to gain access to the mainland currency.


“Particular attention should be paid to transactions in large amounts requested by new customers, or transactions between entities that are related to each other,” it said.


Illicit flows of money are nothing new: China has long battled against speculators who sneak money past its strict capital controls under the guise of trade. But before mid-2009, all of China’s imports and exports had to be settled in US dollars or other foreign currencies. Now that the renminbi is involved, the stakes are higher.


“The capital controls in China mean there is a huge arbitrage opportunity for anyone who can get past them,” says John Greenwood, Invesco chief economist and architect of Hong Kong’s exchange rate mechanism.

“中国的资本管制意味着,能够规避管制的人将获得巨大的套利机会,”景顺投资(Invesco)首席经济学家、香港联系汇率制度设计者祈连活(John Greenwood)表示。

Bankers say only a small fraction of cross-border trade settled in renminbi is likely to be fraudulent. Even so, they concede one of the key reasons for the spectacular boom in renminbi trade settlement in recent months is that Chinese companies and their trading partners are taking advantage, legally, of pricing differentials between the mainland market and the nascent renminbi market in Hong Kong.


International trade worth Rmb340bn was settled in renminbi between June and November 2010, compared with zero before July 2009, when Beijing moved to reduce its reliance on the US dollar and allowed the renminbi to become an international medium of exchange.


The major catalyst for the scheme came in July, when regulators lifted restrictions blocking the free flow of the renminbi in Hong Kong. Since then, the territory’s renminbi-denominated financial markets have blossomed. Critically, renminbi exchange rates and interest rates in Hong Kong have departed from those on the mainland, which are subject to government control. “This market is growing at breakneck speed,” says Sundeep Bhandari, Asia head of markets at Standard Chartered.

该计划的一个重要催化剂出现在去年7月份,当时监管机构取消了人民币在香港自由流通的限制。此后,香港以人民币计价的金融市场开始蓬勃发展。至关重要的是,香港的人民币汇率和利率与内地开始分化——内地的汇率和利率受到政府管控。“这个市场正在以惊人的速度增长,”渣打银行(Standard Chartered)亚洲区市场主管彭达贤(Sundeep Bhandari)表示。

Fervent demand for renminbi from international investors has driven down rates in Hong Kong and thereby created incentives for companies considering using the renminbi for trade or financing. Foreign exporters have cottoned on to the fact that the renminbi-dollar exchange rate is at a premium in Hong Kong compared with the mainland (see chart). To arbitrage the two markets, these companies accept renminbi as payment from Chinese importers, then swap the cash into dollars at the more attractive offshore exchange rate.


“There’s an incentive for the Chinese importer and foreign exporter to settle in renminbi and split the difference,” says Dariusz Kowalczyk, a strategist at Crédit Agricole.

“中国进口商和外国出口商都存在以人民币结算、并分享差价的动机,”法国农业信贷银行(Crédit Agricole)的策略师达利乌斯•科瓦尔奇克(Dariusz Kowalczyk)表示。

Companies can issue bonds at much lower rates in Hong Kong than on the mainland. Chinese government bonds, the best reference, yield as much as 2 percentage points less in the offshore market (see chart). In an area that is being scrutinised by regulators, some large companies with operations in Hong Kong and the mainland are even using the trade settlement scheme, in conjunction with currency derivatives, to capture the difference between onshore renminbi interest rates and the much lower offshore dollar interest rates.


“It’s true that six months ago, almost all of the renminbi so-called trade flows that you saw were this arbitrage game. But now the genuine trade flows are becoming as important if not more important than the arbitrage flows,” says a Hong Kong banker.


As Hong Kong’s renminbi markets expand and more companies adopt the renminbi for trade, Beijing is likely to find the distinction between “genuine” trade flows and the more speculative equivalent ever harder to distinguish.


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