Wednesday, December 22, 2010

中国国家电网伸向巴西 State Grid views Brazil as another smart

China’s State Grid, which on Tuesday announced a close to $1bn investment in Brazil, often refers to itself as the backbone of its homeland.

周二宣布向巴西投资近10亿美元的中国国家电网(State Grid),常常自称为国家骨干企业。

The state-owned group, which serves more than 1bn people in China and employs 1.5m, is so closely linked to the government it receives a public grading – almost always an “A” – by its state supervisor.


Electricity was one of the last sectors to undergo structural reform as China moved away from a planned economy, and State Grid was born from that process in 2002. The reforms also created China Southern Power Grid and five state-owned generators.

在中国脱离计划经济的进程中,电力是最后几个进行结构性改革的领域之一,国家电网于2002年应运而生。此次改革还缔造了中国南方电网(China Southern Power Grid)及其它五家国有供电企业。

But State Grid is by far the most powerful. Headed by Liu Zhenya, a party member who has worked at the company for 40 years, State Grid has steadily consolidated its position and manoeuvred its way into near-total dominance of the country’s multi-billion-dollar smart grid plans.


Named the world’s eighth-largest company by revenues by this year’s Fortune Global 500 list, State Grid had total assets in 2009 of $293.2bn. Profits, however, were a mere 4.52bn yuan ($678m). China’s electricity is plagued by a simple problem of geography – the country’s energy resources are far away from the cities that need them – and the goal of the smart grid is to help solve that.


“Speeding up the building of a strong and smart grid is good for the basic transformation of China’s power development,” Mr Liu said. A better, more efficient grid is key to achieving the environmental goals of the next five-year plan, he said, promising that all areas of China would have basic grid connections by 2012.


State Grid has said it will spend Rmb1,700bn on grid construction in the next five years and complete the smart grid by 2015. That project will make it the world’s largest consumer of copper, and therefore a key driver of copper prices.


The power lines that State Grid is building will draw energy from remote corners of the country, for example channelling Tibetan hydropower into urban areas, and also reach beyond China’s borders.


A Russia-China transmission line has been under discussions for years, and the company has signed energy co-operation agreements with Mongolia and Kazakhstan.


The Brazil deal is a different type of venture, however. Rather than securing energy for Chinese cities, the deal is aimed at raising the company’s strategic international presence and securing a profit. “With constant breakthroughs, the company has upgraded Chinese enterprises’ global influence in the field of energy,” according to the company website.


State Grid first went abroad in 2007, when it won an auction as part of a consortium to operate the national grid in the Philippines. More recent overseas efforts have been mixed: the company failed to receive Chinese government approval for a Chilean copper investment this year.


“The Chinese are becoming more aggressive in making overseas acquisitions and in the future they will be major players in the international power sector,” says Brett King, a partner at Paul, Hastings, Janofsky and Walker, which specialises in power deals.

专门从事电力交易的普衡律师事务所(Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker)合伙人布雷特·金(Brett King)表示:“中国在海外收购方面正变得愈发积极,他们今后将成为国际电力领域的主要参与者。”

The Brazilian power sector has not traditionally been a money-spinner for foreign power companies, but for State Grid the returns in Brazil probably look much better than at home, where it barely made a profit last year.


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