Dutch police have arrested a 16-year-old boy for online attacks on MasterCard and PayPal, as the digital guerrilla warfare between WikiLeaks’ supporters and its opponents escalated.
Anonymous, the loose group of internet campaigners that has been supporting WikiLeaks, claimed credit for disrupting the websites of MasterCard, Visa and PayPal on Wednesday and Thursday, but was frustrated in its attempt to take down Amazon’s site, in spite of threatening the retailer with a “denial of service attack”.
支持维基解密的由互联网维权人士组成的松散团体“匿名”(Anonymous)声称对周三和周四万事达卡、Visa和贝宝网站受到侵扰的事件负责。虽然使用“拒绝服务攻击”(denial of service)威胁亚马逊(Amazon)网站,但侵扰这家零售商的尝试并未成功。
However, WikiLeaks’ site is still being bombarded by cyber-assaults following its mass release of confidential US documents. Facebook and Twitter removed social-networking profiles operated by Anonymous, which has made revenge attacks against services its supporters accuse of abandoning Wiki-Leaks in recent days.
Anonymous has been using social networking sites to co- ordinate its assaults in what it calls “Operation Payback”.
“匿名”组织一直在使用社交网站协调攻击行为,称这些攻击为“报复行动”(Operation Payback)。
But its own website and some of its online chatrooms were inaccessible for part of Thursday. Security experts said it was likely that a denial of service attack – in which a website is flooded with traffic from many computers – had brought down anonops.net, while some internet providers may be blocking traffic to its chatrooms.
但该组织网站及其某些在线聊天室在周四一度无法访问。安全专家指出,造成 anonops.net 网站瘫痪的可能是“拒绝服务攻击”,这种攻击方式是指来自许多台电脑的数据流量冲击一个网站,而某些互联网接入提供商可能屏蔽了聊天室的访问。
The Dutch public prosecutor said its national high-tech crime team in The Hague had remanded a boy in custody, after it found that some of the attacks originated in the Netherlands. The individual, who prosecutors said had confessed to denial of service attacks on the payment processors, will appear in court today.
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