Friday, December 31, 2010

中国悄然改变对朝立场 China helps defuse Korean crisis

In a matter of days, the situation on the Korean peninsula appears to have switched from the brink of war to hope for new dialogue. The North’s restraint over the past week and the South’s new willingness to resume six-party talks, however, may owe more to Chinese efforts than a volte-face by Seoul.


According to Jin Canrong, associate dean of the school of international studies at Renmin University, China’s influence “has definitely been a factor”.


And although Beijing has been at pains to avoid the impression that it was acting under US pressure to persuade Pyongyang to stop its belligerence, Washington’s hand was also apparent. “When [James Steinberg US deputy secretary of state] visited Beijing two weeks ago, his attitude was quite stern, so China went and made some stronger effort [to lobby Pyongyang]”, Professor Jin said.

虽然北京竭力避免给外界留下这样一个印象,即它是在美国压力下才劝说平壤停止挑衅的,但华盛顿的影响也很明显。“(美国副国务卿詹姆斯•斯坦伯格(James Steinberg))两周前访华时,他的态度十分强硬,所以中国做出了更大的努力(去劝说朝鲜),”金灿荣说道。

This was a sharp reversal from Beijing’s initial refusal to condemn Pyongyang for last month’s shelling of the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong, which triggered the latest crisis, and also from China’s unwillingness to accept South Korea’s view that one of its warships, the Cheonan, had been sunk by North Korea this year.


The change is part of China’s careful balancing act between maintaining its long-standing alliance with a reclusive and aggressive neighbour and its newer role as a responsible major power with friendly ties to the US and other members of the international community.


China hopes to use North Korea as a buffer against American dominance in the region but also fears that Pyongyang’s aggression could trigger war and chaos.


“China’s overall priority with regard to North Korea is stability, which explains its policy evolution after the shelling of Yeonpyeong island last month,” said Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt, north-east Asia project director at the International Crisis Group.

国际危机监察机构(International Crisis Group)东北亚项目主任斯蒂芬妮•克莱恩-阿尔布兰特(Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt)称:“关于朝鲜,中国最主要考虑的是稳定,这解释了上月延平岛遭炮击后中国政策的演变。”

“In the immediate aftermath, China believed that a conflict in the Yellow Sea was unlikely and instead focused on US involvement in the region,” Ms Kleine-Ahlbrandt added. “But as tensions escalated, China became more focused on the risks of conflict and was willing to accept enhanced US involvement and ask the North not to overreact.”


On the surface, the only sign of change was a statement, still carefully balanced, last week in which the Chinese foreign ministry urged Pyongyang to allow inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency back into the country.


But observers said behind the scenes Beijing convinced Pyongyang that a war on the Korean peninsula would be undesirable and there was a real danger of such a conflict.


It is understood China argued that the North Korean attack had exhausted South Korea’s patience and tolerance and that Seoul was likely to provoke Pyongyang with military exercises and hardline rhetoric.


Chinese diplomats told their North Korean counterparts that, if they responded, they would fall into a trap set by South Korea and the US.


But while Seoul’s agreement to re-enter talks was viewed with relief in the Chinese foreign ministry’s department of Asian affairs, Beijing is under no illusion that it is nearing a solution to the conflict.


“China’s approach towards the Korean peninsula is fundamentally different from that of the US – the six-party talks are not a way to solve the problem but to control the crisis,” said Prof Jin.


He sees Beijing’s long-term goal as helping North Korea transform from an ideology-driven country to a normal member of the international community and from a political system focused on the military to one focused on the economy – much like the path that China has taken over the past 30 years.


In the short term, what matters to Beijing is preventing its awkward alliance from doing damage to its other international ties. “The importance of the upcoming visit of Hu Jintao [Chinese president] to the US played a role in the shift [in China’s handling of North Korea],” said Ms Kleine-Ahlbrandt.


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