Wednesday, December 22, 2010

中国呼吁朝鲜接受国际社会核查 China calls on N Korea to admit inspectors

China has made a rare appeal to North Korea to allow international inspections of its nuclear facilities amid signs that recent tension on the Korean peninsula might be easing.


Beijing, Pyongyang’s only ally, has refused to criticise it publicly despite coming under intense pressure since a North Korean attack on the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong in November. “We support North Korea to make peaceful use of nuclear energy, but it should also respect inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency under the framework of the six-party talks,” said Jiang Yu, a foreign ministry spokeswoman.


She made the remarks after Bill Richardson, the US governor of New Mexico, had said after a private trip to North Korea that Pyong­yang had agreed to do just that. “The specifics are that they will allow IAEA personnel to go to [North Korea’s main nuclear site] Yongbyon to ensure that they are not processing highly enriched uranium, that they are proceeding with peaceful purposes,’’ Mr Richardson said while in transit at Beijing.

在姜瑜发表上述讲话前,美国新墨西哥州州长比尔•理查森(Bill Richardson)刚刚结束对朝鲜的私人访问。理查森说,平壤方面已同意接受国际原子能机构人员赴朝核查。他在过境北京时表示:“具体内容是,他们将允许国际原子能机构人员前往[朝鲜主要核基地]宁边,以确保他们并未提炼高浓缩铀,而是出于和平目的利用核能。”

Ms Jiang said China had “taken note” of Mr Richardson’s reported comments. “The situation remains very complicated and sensitive,” she added, reiterating China’s repeated calls for restraint from all sides and a resumption of the talks.


Urging North Korea to allow the return of IAEA inspectors, who were asked to leave in 2009, is a departure for Beijing, which previously refused to condemn the Yeonpyeong attack.


But South Korea remains unimpressed. “The appeal only came after Richardson had already conveyed the message,” said a Seoul diplomat. Mr Richardson also cautioned that North Korea had taken only a first step. “I believe that’s an important gesture on their part, but there still has to be a commitment eventually to denuclearise, to abide by the 2005 agreement that says they will terminate their nuclear weapons activities,” he said.


And the White House on Tuesday rejected new multinational talks with North Korea on the nuclear issue, saying it needed to change its “belligerent” behaviour first, AP reports.


China also tried to defuse any risk of additional tension from a maritime clash between Chinese fishing boats and South Korean coastguard at the weekend. One fisherman drowned and eight were detained by South Korean authorities as the result of a standoff in South Korean waters.


Ms Jiang said the incident had “no direct relation” to the situation on the peninsula.


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