So new is the trade in offshore Chinese currency bonds that it has yet to gain a proper name. For want of anything else, it is often dubbed the “dim sum” market, in culinary recognition of its Hong Kong home base.
In spite of its infancy, interest in the market is growing quickly. Caterpillar, the US-based maker of earthmoving equipment, launched a Rmb1bn ($150m) bond issue last month, making it the second multinational to tap the market, following an August issue by McDonald’s, the fast-food chain.
What makes these bond issues important is that the offshore renminbi market is much more than just a new avenue for debt financing – it is one of the core components in a plan to internationalise the Chinese currency. The process will be a slow one, with more baby steps than giant leaps, and it is by no means assured that the renminbi – also known as the yuan – will forge a decisive international role. But it is one that could have a huge long-term impact on trade, the global financial system and even international politics.
If the plan works, the renminbi could become the main currency for doing business in Asia, the world’s most economically dynamic region, and in the long run it could become a significant part of the reserves of the world’s central banks. Indeed, some Chinese officials have already called for the renminbi to be included in the International Monetary Fund’s basket of main currencies.
The timing is also full of portents. The renminbi is starting to go global just as the future of the euro is uncertain. Eventually the shift could have an impact on the ability of the US to borrow overseas in its own currency. In China, some have taken to calling their currency the hongbi, or “redback”, to rival America’s greenback – a moniker that gives a flavour of the geopolitical undercurrents.
“We may be on the verge of a financial revolution of truly epic proportions,” says Qu Hongbin, China economist at HSBC, one of the banks pushing the renminbi to its corporate clients. “The world economy is, slowly but surely, moving from greenbacks to redbacks.”
In many ways, the surprise is how little the renminbi is currently used outside China’s borders. China is now the second-largest economy in the world, the largest exporter of manufactured goods and holder of the largest volume of foreign exchange reserves. Yet the amount of the currency held overseas is negligible – the result of China’s strict capital controls and restrictions on currency trade.
“If aliens landed on earth today, they would look at the current global monetary system and think it is very weird and unreasonable,” Li Daokui, who sits on the monetary policy committee of the People’s Bank of China, told a forum in Beijing last month.
Yet the financial crisis has changed attitudes in Beijing and bolstered support for China to seek a greater international role for its currency. Officials argue that the crisis came about because the international monetary system allows the US to run unsustainable current account deficits. As a result, over the past year Beijing has put in place some of the conditions for the renminbi to go global.
The first step has been to encourage international trade to be conducted in renminbi. That process accelerated in June, when China expanded its year-old renminbi trade settlement scheme to every country in the world and to 20 Chinese provinces and municipalities, allowing imports and exports to be invoiced and settled in renminbi.
Even if the use of the currency is to be limited to trade, companies and banks still need to be able to hold and invest renminbi offshore – which started to become possible in some scale from July when the authorities allowed renminbi-denominated financial markets to spring to life in Hong Kong. A month later, a select group of investors, including foreign central banks, were given limited access to China’s onshore bond market. Malaysia is believed to have become the first central bank to hold mainland renminbi assets in its reserves.
The effect has been dramatic. The People’s Bank says trade settled in renminbi totalled Rmb340bn between June and November – from zero just a year and a half ago. The pace has stunned senior western bankers who know the region. Renminbi deposits in Hong Kong banks surged 45 per cent in October to Rmb217bn – another reflection of the use of the Chinese currency in trade.
F or Chinese companies, the attractions of settling cross-border trade in their own currency are clear. Avoiding the dollar allows them to cut transaction costs and minimise foreign exchange risks – a huge benefit in a world at risk of a global currency war.
Sinochem, China’s biggest trading company, is one of the pioneers. The group’s offshore trading division in Singapore this year received renminbi as payment for sales of petrochemicals, rubber and fertiliser, after what it says were requests to do so from Chinese companies as well as units of Sinochem on the mainland. “This allows us to build a stronger bond with our customers,” says Song Song, finance manager at Sinochem International (Overseas), who expects the trend to continue.
Indeed, an increasing number of western multinationals – including McDonald’s from the US, Ikea and Nokia in the Nordic region and Germany’s Metro – are also experimenting with using the renminbi in trade deals. “For our corporate clients, US dollars and euros are no longer the de facto currencies of trade,” says Shivkumar Seerapu, Asia head of trade finance at Deutsche Bank.
的确,越来越多的西方跨国企业——包括美国的麦当劳、北欧的宜家(Ikea)、诺基亚(Nokia)以及德国的麦德龙(Metro)——也在尝试用人民币进行贸易结算。“对我们的企业客户而言,美元和欧元不再是国际贸易的事实货币,”德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)贸易融资亚洲主管希夫库玛•西拉普(Shivkumar Seerapu)表示。
Deutsche, Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase are among banks rapidly building the infrastructure needed to process renminbi transactions across the world. Standard Chartered and its rival HSBC are meanwhile already well placed to capitalise on the internationalisation of the renminbi because they have strong positions in Hong Kong, the designated offshore centre for the Chinese currency. Makers of products “from garments to gas cylinders” have started using the renminbi, says Neil Daswani, head of transaction banking for North Asia at Standard Chartered.
德意志银行、花旗集团(Citigroup)以及摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)等银行都在迅速设置必需的基础设施,以便在全球范围内处理人民币交易。与此同时,渣打(Standard Chartered)及其竞争对手汇丰已经占据有利地位,能够获益于人民币的国际化进程,因为它们在指定的人民币离岸交易中心香港拥有稳固地位。渣打交易银行部门北亚区主管尼尔•达斯瓦尼(Neil Daswani)称,“从服装到气瓶”,各类产品的制造商都开始使用人民币。
Demand has been strongest from Hong Kong, he adds, but has also come from Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, the Middle East and the UK. According to economists and trade finance experts, the use of the renminbi in trade is likely to take off first in Asia and then between China and other developing countries.
Momentum is clearly gathering behind the renminbi internationalisation drive, yet it is still a highly unusual process and one that is not guaranteed success. In the past, market forces have driven the greater international role of a currency: but in the case of China, that development is being developed by bureaucratic plan. “The attempt to create an international and eventually fully convertible currency through a policy-driven process is unprecedented – nothing like this has ever been tried before, even partially,” says Paola Subacchi of the UK’s Chatham House think-tank in a recent paper. “Beijing is openly aware of the fact that there is no roadmap to guide this process.”
人民币国际化的势头显然正在增强。然而,这仍然是一个极不寻常的进程,能否成功还不一定。以往,推动一国货币国际化的是市场力量,但在中国,这是由政府计划推动的。“通过政策推动货币国际化,并最终实现完全自由兑换,这样的尝试是前所未有的——以前从来没有人这么试过,连不完全的尝试也没有,”英国智库查塔姆研究所(Chatham House)的保拉•苏巴基(Paola Subacchi)在最近的一篇论文中写道。“北京方面完全明白,这个过程并无可供依循的现成蓝图。”
What makes the push even more unusual is that Beijing still intends to retain a raft of capital controls, to insulate its economy and to prevent the currency from becoming fully convertible for the time being, because of the leadership’s fears about the volatility of foreign exchange markets and the impact of open capital flows on the country’s still underdeveloped financial system. As Ms Subacchi says, “past experience shows that convertibility and opening of the capital account have always preceded the international use of a currency, rather than the other way round”.
Instead, China is trying to use Hong Kong as a laboratory, where it can encourage international companies and investors to hold and trade renminbi-denominated products. The dim sum bonds are one part of that plan.
Meanwhile, to boost the foreign availability of renminbi, Beijing has over the past two years signed currency swap agreements with central banks in eight countries – Argentina, Belarus, Hong Kong, Iceland, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and South Korea – totalling a little over Rmb800bn. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the city’s de facto central bank, last month drew down Rmb10bn of its Rmb200bn swap line, opening a new way for commercial banks in the city to obtain renminbi for their corporate clients to use in trade deals. Hong Kong banks can also obtain renminbi via mainland banks and the local branch of Bank of China, subject to quotas.
Chinese officials admit, however, that while the offshore market in Hong Kong can help lay the groundwork for greater international use of the currency in trade, the renminbi cannot become a reserve currency until there is much greater access to the mainland bond markets and the renminbi is easier to trade on the foreign exchange market.
Given China’s caution about liberalising its financial system, all of this suggests a process where the renminbi takes a greater international role over a period measured in decades rather than years, meaning it will be a long time before reserve managers are really considering shifting substantial holdings of dollars into renminbi.
“There’s not a lot of point buying renminbi in Hong Kong if you can’t ultimately buy assets in China,” says John Greenwood, Invesco chief economist and architect of Hong Kong’s exchange rate mechanism. “[But Chinese policymakers] have got to be careful that they don’t make a hole in the dam that allows a huge flood in all directions – either inwards or outwards. China has a long way to go before its domestic capital markets can be opened up to foreign inflows without it being hugely destabilising.”
“如果你最终无法在中国购买资产,那么在香港买入人民币意义不大,”景顺(Invesco)首席经济学家、港元联系汇率制度之父祁连活(John Greenwood)表示。“(但中国政策制定者)必须小心,不要让大坝开口,导致各方资金大量涌入或涌出。中国还有很长的路要走,才能向海外资金开放国内资本市场,而不致产生破坏稳定的巨大影响。”
Y et one of the big questions posed by the Chinese plan is whether the authorities will really be able to keep such a tight rein on the process. HSBC estimates that within three to five years at least half of China’s trade flows with other developing economies will be conducted in renminbi – about $2,000bn – making it one of the three top global trading currencies. With such a huge volume circulating outside the country, it could become much harder to prevent unwanted capital from entering.
By encouraging the use of the renminbi, Beijing is also creating a constituency of investors, companies and central banks that will be lobbying for ever greater access to the currency and to Chinese markets.
Indeed, one reason global financial institutions are so excited about the internationalisation process is that they expect it to punch new channels through the wall of controls that protect the domestic financial system. By pushing for greater use of its currency, China could open up more quickly than many in Beijing might think.