Friday, December 31, 2010

“金砖之父”:南非不属于这一阵营 South Africa as a Bric: the godfather raises an eyebrow

The godfather has spoken – the godfather of the Bric group. Jim O’Neill of Goldman Sachs had planned to stay quiet over the holidays, but he couldn’t resist reacting to a gutsy move by China on Christmas Eve to insert South Africa into the acronym he coined.

提出金砖四国(Bric)概念的教父开口了。高盛(Goldman Sachs)的吉姆•奥尼尔(Jim O'Neill)原本计划在假日期间保持沉默。但中国在圣诞前夜大胆地提出,要将南非加入他创造的这个首字母缩略词中,奥尼尔忍不住做出了回应。

According to reports in Chinese state media, China invited South Africa to join the four-letter club of fast-growing emerging markets – or at least to join a summit of theirs in China next year. In a note to clients on Wednesday, O’Neill wrote: “While this is clearly good news for South Africa, it is not entirely obvious to me as to why the Bric countries should have agreed.”


As chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management today, he clearly doesn’t want to offend anyone. But the implicit message of his note is that the Bric concept has become political and been unmoored from the economic logic that underpinned his creation of it in 2001 when he was Goldman’s top economist.

如今身为高盛资产管理公司(Goldman Sachs Asset Management)董事长的奥尼尔,显然不想得罪任何人。但他在研究报告中含蓄地传递出了一条信息:金砖四国已成为一个政治概念,脱离了2001年他担任高盛首席经济学家时支撑他创造这个概念的经济逻辑。

He wrote:


'When I created the acronym, I had not expected that a political club of the leaders of the BRIC countries would be formed as a result. In that regard, the purposes of the two might be regarded differently and more so after this news.'


He says “South Africa rightly sees itself as a leading emerging nation”. But this is just to soften the blow of his main point, which is that in economic terms South Africa is very far from being a Bric contender.


The size of its economy is $350bn. And as O’Neill notes:


'… this is quite small by not only BRIC standards, but compared to some others. For example, Russia is around $1,600 billion, nearly 5 times larger than South Africa. And, India is currently similar in size to Russia. Brazil is currently closer to $2 billion in size, while China is considerably larger at around $5,500 billion.'


Importantly, he adds, there are also a number of other economies from the so-called emerging world that are bigger than South Africa.


'This would include Indonesia (approximately $700 bn), Mexico ($1,050 bn), Turkey ($725 bn) and South Korea ($1,000 bn). These four nations, along with each of the BRIC economies, are all 1 pct or more of global GDP, and what we would increasingly think of as “Growth Economies.” … It is tough to see how South Africa matches up to these four countries, never mind the BRIC countries.'




Tuning his political antennae, O’Neill notes that a South African role “might be justified as Africa’s representation alongside the BRICs, as the continent as a whole is as about as large as India or Russia”.


But Nigeria is hardly going to accept that. And what O’Neill the godfather is going to have to accept, it seems, is that he is losing control of the concept he created.


Paypal在重庆设立结算平台 PayPal in drive on e-commerce in China

PayPal, the world’s largest online payment platform, is planning to offer a system that would lift the cap on foreign exchange settlements for small Chinese businesses in a move which could help strengthen the position of its parent Ebay in the world’s fastest growing e-commerce market.


PayPal has struck a deal with the government of Chongqing, China’s largest municipality, to offer a range of services – including, for the first time, a foreign exchange settlement solution – to Chinese entrepreneurs selling to consumers overseas.


Chinese authorities have set a ceiling for individuals to convert foreign currency into local currency of $50,000 a year. PayPal said this regulation hinders Chinese small businesses and entrepreneurs from building a cross-border e-commerce business and that its payment platform would help small merchants get quick access to an export licence, which allows a higher conversion ceiling.


China’s online payment market had a transaction volume of Rmb725.5bn ($110bn) in the first nine months of this year and is expected to hit Rmb1,000bn for the whole year, according to Analysys, the Beijing-based internet research firm.


“The Chongqing government will be working with the relevant local authorities, like the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, to get the necessary regulatory approvals,” PayPal said.


PayPal is testing the service and hopes to offer it to merchants across China in the second half of 2011. If successful, the platform should attract small Chinese vendors, the main customer base of Alibaba, the world’s largest online marketplace for trade between companies, which had proved the nemesis for Ebay on its first foray into the Chinese market. China has the world’s largest online population with 440m users.


Ebay initially entered China with an auction site closely resembling its international service at the start of the last decade. After losing most of its market share to Taobao, the unlisted affiliate of Alibaba Group which dominates China’s consumer-to-consumer e-commerce market, the US group changed strategy in 2006 and offered a platform for cross-border online trade.

本世纪初,Ebay曾以拍卖网站的形式进入中国,经营模式与其国际服务非常类似。在大部分市场份额被淘宝(Taobao)夺走后,Ebay于2006年改变了策略,推出一个跨境在线交易平台。淘宝是阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)旗下的未上市子公司,主宰着中国的个人对个人(C2C)电子商务市场。

Over the past year, Alibaba and Ebay have looked at opportunities for co-operation. However, Alibaba launched Ali- Express earlier this year, a site which allows small merchants to conduct online transactions with customers overseas, again putting Alibaba in competition with Ebay’s business in China.


Alibaba also has its own online payment service, Alipay, which dominates the Chinese market.


中国悄然改变对朝立场 China helps defuse Korean crisis

In a matter of days, the situation on the Korean peninsula appears to have switched from the brink of war to hope for new dialogue. The North’s restraint over the past week and the South’s new willingness to resume six-party talks, however, may owe more to Chinese efforts than a volte-face by Seoul.


According to Jin Canrong, associate dean of the school of international studies at Renmin University, China’s influence “has definitely been a factor”.


And although Beijing has been at pains to avoid the impression that it was acting under US pressure to persuade Pyongyang to stop its belligerence, Washington’s hand was also apparent. “When [James Steinberg US deputy secretary of state] visited Beijing two weeks ago, his attitude was quite stern, so China went and made some stronger effort [to lobby Pyongyang]”, Professor Jin said.

虽然北京竭力避免给外界留下这样一个印象,即它是在美国压力下才劝说平壤停止挑衅的,但华盛顿的影响也很明显。“(美国副国务卿詹姆斯•斯坦伯格(James Steinberg))两周前访华时,他的态度十分强硬,所以中国做出了更大的努力(去劝说朝鲜),”金灿荣说道。

This was a sharp reversal from Beijing’s initial refusal to condemn Pyongyang for last month’s shelling of the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong, which triggered the latest crisis, and also from China’s unwillingness to accept South Korea’s view that one of its warships, the Cheonan, had been sunk by North Korea this year.


The change is part of China’s careful balancing act between maintaining its long-standing alliance with a reclusive and aggressive neighbour and its newer role as a responsible major power with friendly ties to the US and other members of the international community.


China hopes to use North Korea as a buffer against American dominance in the region but also fears that Pyongyang’s aggression could trigger war and chaos.


“China’s overall priority with regard to North Korea is stability, which explains its policy evolution after the shelling of Yeonpyeong island last month,” said Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt, north-east Asia project director at the International Crisis Group.

国际危机监察机构(International Crisis Group)东北亚项目主任斯蒂芬妮•克莱恩-阿尔布兰特(Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt)称:“关于朝鲜,中国最主要考虑的是稳定,这解释了上月延平岛遭炮击后中国政策的演变。”

“In the immediate aftermath, China believed that a conflict in the Yellow Sea was unlikely and instead focused on US involvement in the region,” Ms Kleine-Ahlbrandt added. “But as tensions escalated, China became more focused on the risks of conflict and was willing to accept enhanced US involvement and ask the North not to overreact.”


On the surface, the only sign of change was a statement, still carefully balanced, last week in which the Chinese foreign ministry urged Pyongyang to allow inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency back into the country.


But observers said behind the scenes Beijing convinced Pyongyang that a war on the Korean peninsula would be undesirable and there was a real danger of such a conflict.


It is understood China argued that the North Korean attack had exhausted South Korea’s patience and tolerance and that Seoul was likely to provoke Pyongyang with military exercises and hardline rhetoric.


Chinese diplomats told their North Korean counterparts that, if they responded, they would fall into a trap set by South Korea and the US.


But while Seoul’s agreement to re-enter talks was viewed with relief in the Chinese foreign ministry’s department of Asian affairs, Beijing is under no illusion that it is nearing a solution to the conflict.


“China’s approach towards the Korean peninsula is fundamentally different from that of the US – the six-party talks are not a way to solve the problem but to control the crisis,” said Prof Jin.


He sees Beijing’s long-term goal as helping North Korea transform from an ideology-driven country to a normal member of the international community and from a political system focused on the military to one focused on the economy – much like the path that China has taken over the past 30 years.


In the short term, what matters to Beijing is preventing its awkward alliance from doing damage to its other international ties. “The importance of the upcoming visit of Hu Jintao [Chinese president] to the US played a role in the shift [in China’s handling of North Korea],” said Ms Kleine-Ahlbrandt.


让印度人尴尬的中国投资 India

It was one of the big ironies of Wen Jiabao’s visit to New Delhi this month: while China has encircled the Indian Ocean region with projects from Pakistan to Burma, India has struggled to spend money within its own borders. Premier Wen left Islamabad, his next stop, with a pledge to invest up to $30bn more in Pakistan by 2015, which is about as much as the entire Indian private sector spent on its own infrastructure in the year to March.


India’s economic momentum is impressive: over the next few years, the country’s real gross domestic product growth seems likely to move above China’s, a crossover rarely seen in the past 20 years. But it is achieving this development in spite of its infrastructure, not because of it. Road traffic is slowed by single lanes and uneven surfaces. Ships take almost 96 hours to unload and load at Indian ports, about 10 times longer than in Hong Kong. And 18 per cent of India’s urban population defecates daily in open spaces, compared with 6 per cent in China.


Unlike China, of course, India is burdened by democratic government, a respect for private land rights and a very zealous environment ministry, which means that the state cannot simply bulldoze settlements or drain wetlands to make way for power plants. Even so, the country’s plans to triple private spending on infrastructure in the 12th five-year plan to 2017 are long overdue. The infrastructure deficit is one of the main reasons China’s GDP per capita has grown at an average annual rate of 9.6 per cent since 2000, according to World Bank figures, compared with 5.5 per cent for India. In the words of Rabindranath Tagore, the Nobel-winning Bengali poet: “One can put in as much water as the size of the pot.”

当然,与中国不同,印度的民主政府给经济造成了负担——该国尊重土地私有权,环境部的表现也相当积极。这意味着,国家不可能去强行拆迁,或抽干湿地为发电厂让路。尽管如此,印度在截至2017年的第12个五年计划内、将基础设施建设方面的私人支出提高两倍的计划,也来的太晚了。世界银行(World Bank)的数据显示,基础设施方面的差距,是中国自2000年来人均GDP一直以9.6%的平均速度增长、而印度人均GDP增速仅为5.5%的主要原因之一。用诺贝尔奖获得者、孟加拉语诗人泰戈尔(Rabindranath Tagore)的话说:“有多大锅,盛多少水。”

韩国对朝鲜强硬态度出现软化迹象 Seoul U-turn on North talks

Lee Myung-bak, South Korean president, has cleared the way for his country to take part in talks between six nations to dismantle North Korea’s nuclear programme, marking a reversal of the approach of Seoul towards Pyongyang.

韩国总统李明博(Lee Myung-bak)为韩国参与旨在让朝鲜放弃核计划的六方会谈扫清了道路。这标志着,韩国政府对待朝鲜的态度发生了转变。

Inter-Korean talks have stopped completely this year after the North sank a South Korean warship in March and shelled Yeonpyeong island last month, raising tension on the peninsula to its highest level in decades. Seoul has conducted a series of military drills in recent weeks to deter North Korea’s provocations.


South Korea, like the US and Japan, has been reluctant to restart the six-nation talks, which have been stalled for the past two years, unless there were clear steps from the North to dismantle its nuclear programme. The talks also involve Russia, China.


Mr Lee appeared to shift his country’s position in comments made on Wednesday. “We have no choice but to resolve the problem of dismantling North Korea’s nuclear programme diplomatically through the six-party talks,” he said.


Mr Lee added that progress should be made next year in efforts to denuclearise North Korea before 2012, the year by which Pyongyang says it aims to build a “great, powerful and prosperous” nation. The president also called for inter-Korean dialogue to ease tension, although he still stressed the importance of stronger defence against the North. “We should make efforts to have peace settled through inter-Korean dialogue,” he said.


The comments came after Mr Lee received policy reports for 2011 from both the foreign ministry and the unification ministry. The change of tone, after Mr Lee’s tough talk against Pyongyang, signals the possibility that South Korea might soften its hardline policies against the North next year.


Experts said the change in Seoul’s stance was probably sparked by the scheduled China-US summit in Washington next month, where leaders are expected to discuss resuming the six-party talks.


Hyun In-taek, South Korea’s unification minister, said the country was willing to expand humanitarian aid to the North – which was suspended after November’s Yeonpyeong island attack – next year.

韩国统一部长官玄仁泽(Hyun In-taek)表示,韩国明年愿意扩大对朝鲜的人道主义援助。在今年11月延坪岛遭炮击后,这一援助已暂停。

Mr Hyun said Seoul would focus on making preparations for unification while working to improve welfare for ordinary North Koreans. The government aims to complete funding plans for reunification in the first half of next year. But Cheong Seong-chang, a researcher at the Sejong Institute, said Seoul’s frequent mention of preparations for reunification and its policies toward ordinary North Koreans could infuriate leaders in Pyongyang, deteriorating inter-Korean relations.

玄仁泽说,韩国将集中精力为南北统一做准备,同时努力提升朝鲜普通民众的福祉。韩国政府的目标是,在明年上半年完成统一计划的资金计划。但世宗研究院(Sejong Institute)研究员郑相昌(Cheong Seong-chang)表示,韩国政府多次提及为统一做准备及其针对朝鲜民众的政策,可能会激怒朝鲜政府领导人,恶化朝韩关系。

“Such a move is something North Korea hates most. And there is a limit to help [for] North Koreans without dealing with the regime,” he said.


Thursday, December 30, 2010


一、 素养


卢维斯定理 :谦虚不是把自己想得很糟,而是完全不想自己。

托利得定理: 测验一个人的智力是否属于上乘,只看脑子里能否同时容纳两种相反的思想,而无碍于其处世行事。


刺猬理论 :刺猬在天冷时彼此靠拢取暖,但保持一定距离,以免互相刺伤。

鲦鱼效应 :鲦鱼因个体弱小而常常群居,并以强健者为自然首领。将一只稍强的鲦鱼脑后控制行为的部分割除后,此鱼便失去自制力,行动也发生紊乱,但其他鲦鱼却仍像从前一样盲目追随。
点评:1、下属的悲剧总是领导一手造成的。 2、下属觉得最没劲的事,是他们跟着一位最差劲的领导

雷鲍夫法则 :在你着手建立合作和信任时要牢记我们语言中:
点评:1、最重要的四个字是:不妨试试; 2、最重要的一个字是:您

洛伯定理 :对于一个经理人来说,最要紧的不是你在场时的情况,而是你不在场时发生了什么。


斯坦纳定理 :在哪里说得愈少,在哪里听到的就愈多。


牢骚效应 :凡是公司中有对工作发牢骚的人,那家公司或老板一定比没有这种人或有这种人而把牢骚埋在肚子里公司要成功得多。
点评:1、牢骚是改变不合理现状的催化剂。 2、牢骚虽不总是正确的,但认真对待牢骚却总是正确的。

避雷针效应 :在高大建筑物顶端安装一个金属棒,用金属线与埋在地下的一块金属板连接起来,利用金属棒的尖端放电,使云层所带的电和地上的电逐渐中和,从而保护建筑物等避免雷击。


氨基酸组合效应 :组成人体蛋白的八种氨基酸,只要有一种含量不足,其他七种就无法合成蛋白质。

米格-25效应 :前苏联研制的米格-25喷气式战斗机的许多零部件与美国的相比都落后,但因设计者考虑了整体性能,故能在升降、速度、应急反应等方面成为当时世界一流。

磨合效应 :新组装的机器,通过一定时期的使用,把磨擦面上的加工痕迹磨光而变得更加密合。


波特定理 :当遭受许多批评时,下级往往只记住开头的一些,其余就不听了,因为他们忙于思索论据来反驳开头的批评。

蓝斯登定律 :跟一位朋友一起工作,远较在父亲之下工作有趣得多。

吉尔伯特法则 :工作危机最确凿的信号,是没有人跟你说该怎样作。

权威暗示效应 :一化学家称,他将测验一瓶臭气的传播速度,他打开瓶盖15秒后,前排学生即举手,称自己闻到臭气,而后排的人则陆续举手,纷纷称自己也已闻到,其实瓶中什么也没有。


奥尼尔定理 :所有的政治都是地方的。

定位效应: 社会心理学家曾作过一个试验:在召**议时先让人们自由选择位子,之后到室外休息片刻再进入室内入座,如此五至六次,发现大多数人都选择他们第一次坐过的位子。

艾奇布恩定理 :如果你遇见员工而不认得,或忘了他的名字,那你的公司就太大了点。


吉格勒定理 :除了生命本身,没有任何才能不需要后天的锻炼。

犬獒效应 :当年幼的藏犬长出牙齿并能撕咬时,主人就把它们放到一个没有食物和水的封闭环境里让这些幼犬自相撕咬,最后剩下一只活着的犬,


近因效应 :最近或最后的印象对人的认知有强烈的影响。

洒井法则 :在招工时用尽浑身解数,使出各种方法,不如使自身成为一个好公司,这样人才自然而然会汇集而来。

美即好效应 :对一个外表英俊漂亮的人,人们很容易误认为他或她的其他方面也很不错。


奥格尔维法则 :如果我们每个人都雇用比我们自己都更强的人,我们就能成为巨人公司。

  皮尔卡丹定理 :用人上一加一不等于二,搞不好等于零。


马蝇效应 :再懒惰的马,只要身上有马蝇叮咬,它也会精神抖擞,飞快奔跑。

倒u形假说 :当一个人处于轻度兴奋时,能把工作作得最好。当一个人一点儿兴奋都没有时,也就没有作好工作的动力了;相应地,当一个人处于极度兴奋时,随之而来的压力 可能会使他完不成本该完成的工作。世界网坛名将贝克尔之所以被称为常胜将军,其秘诀之一即是在比赛中自始至防止过度兴奋,而保持半兴奋状态。所以有人亦将 倒u形假说称为贝克尔境界。

伊顿公司CEO“力挺”中国 Eaton chief hits out at Beijing’s critics

Criticism of China for its role in favouring local industry at the expense of US companies has gone too far and could lead to a dangerous bout of trade protectionism, according to Sandy Cutler, chief executive of Eaton , the US industrial conglomerate,

美国工业集团伊顿公司(Eaton)首席执行官柯仁杰(Sandy Cutler)表示,对中国以损害美国公司的利益为代价、偏袒本土产业的批评之辞,有些过头,可能引发一波危险的贸易保护主义浪潮。

Mr Cutler, CEO at the group for the past 10 years, said that some of the criticism of China by US industrialists and politicians over actions such as currency manipulation was the result of “national jealousy” in the US about China’s relatively buoyant economy.


“There is a strand of political thought in the US that is against the idea of free trade, with China bearing the brunt of a lot of negative comments,” said Mr Cutler in an interview with the Financial Times in London.


“But I hope the US will resist the populist idea that the best way to ignite [national] growth is to construct walls around local economies through protectionist measures, the aims of which are to restrict trade.”


Mr Cutler said such moves – which could include the imposition of high tariffs and other import barriers to restrict sales in the US of goods made in China and other countries – were part of “discredited” policies that would only damage growth in the long run.


Some politicians and industrialists in the US have called for tariff barriers as a way to stimulate the US economy, which is still struggling to move into a higher phase of growth after the recession.


In 2011, according to projections from IHS Global Insight, an economics consultancy, the US is likely to lose its position as the world’s biggest manufacturing nation by output, with China taking over as the number one in this field, ending more than 100 years in which the US has been the leader.

经济咨询公司环球通视(IHS Global Insight)预计,2011年美国可能失去全球最大制造国(以产出衡量)的地位,中国将拔得头筹,终结美国100多年来在这方面的领袖地位。

Asked about negative comments about China earlier in the year by Jeff Immelt, chief executive of General Electric , Mr Cutler said he did not share the view that the mood in China was turning against foreign businesses.

在被问及对今年早些时候通用电气(GE)首席执行官杰夫•伊梅尔特(Jeff Immelt)有关中国的负面评论时,柯仁杰表示,自己并不认同中国对外国企业的态度正在恶化的说法。

“There are some political pressures inside China to favour local companies when awarding [government] contracts but this is not the same as saying that the climate is acting to discourage companies based outside China,” Mr Cutler said.


He also side-stepped the question of whether China had indulged in “currency manipulation” by giving its exporters an artificial boost through keeping the renminbi low. The topic is another controversial issue in the US, with a number of commentators pressing for the US government to step up action to force a revaluation. “I don’t have the [economic] competence to give a view as to whether the renminbi is fairly valued.”


But he added that swings in currencies were a problem for most international manufacturers, and that they had to cope as best they could. One way to do this, he said, was to open up local centres of production so that demand for goods in specific countries could be matched as much as possible by products made in the same location, as a result reducing currency risks.


Mr Cutler – whose company is likely this year to have sales in China of about $1bn, making the country one of its largest markets – said China’s political rulers deserved praise for “the fine job” they had made of “fine-tuning” the economy by pushing up growth without sparking inflation.


沃尔玛进军中国电子商务市场 Walmart finds online ally in China

China’s rapidly expanding e-commerce market has caught the attention of Walmart, the world’s largest retailer. Walmart has is one of six companies investing a total of $500m in, reportedly China’s largest online seller of consumer electronics. Walmart’s individual investment has not been made public.


Walmart, which will have around 300 stores in China when it completes its takeover of the Trustmart chain, entered the country’s e-commerce business on its own account last month. It launched, linked to the handful of Sam’s Club discount warehouses that it operates in southern China.

在完成对好又多(Trustmart)连锁店的收购后,沃尔玛在中国的门店数量将达到300家左右。该公司上月进入了中国的电子商务市场,推出山姆会员网上商店(,可以链接至其在中国南方经营的几家山姆俱乐部(Sam’s Club)仓储式折扣店。

The Sam’s Club site is the first to be rolled out using a new global e-commerce platform that has been under development at Walmart’s digital headquarters in San Francisco for over two years. So it would be relatively easy for the retailer to follow up with a Walmart – or Trustmart – branded parallel site, after ironing out any glitches under the smaller Sam’s Club business. Distribution, however, represents a larger challenge.


But the investment in also suggests that the retailer sees potential for a repeat of the kind of mutually beneficial partnerships it has developed with digital businesses in the US. Since 2008, it has been working with 1-800-Contacts, the largest online contact lens business, in a deal that involved shifting its own online and in-store contact lens business over to its partner, and sharing costs. It is also a minority investor in Green Dot, an internet based payment and financial service, that it uses to support its pre-paid store payment cards.

但投资京东商城也表明,沃尔玛认为复制它与美国数字企业形成的那种互利合作关系是有潜力的。自2008年以来,沃尔玛一直在与全球最大的在线隐形眼镜企业1-800-Contacts合作,内容包括将自己的在线和店内隐形眼镜业务转交给合作伙伴,双方分摊成本。此外,沃尔玛是基于互联网的支付和金融服务公司绿点(Green Dot)的少数股东,沃尔玛利用该公司为其预付费门店支付卡提供支持。

The CEO of reportedly told a news conference last week that the company wants to invest the $500m raised in new distribution centres – while Walmart is very interested in the in-store pick-up model it has developed in the US for online orders. So perhaps one day a Chinese consumer could shop on and pick the item up at the local Walmart? Or 360buy could fulfill online electronics orders for in China?

京东商城首席执行官刘强东上周在新闻发布会上表示,该公司希望将筹得的5亿美元资金投资于新的分销中心,而沃尔玛对于其在美国开发的在线订单到店提货(in-store pick-up)模式非常感兴趣。因此,或许有一天,中国消费者可以在京东商城购物,在当地的沃尔玛店取货?或者,京东商城可以为沃尔玛网站Walmart.com在中国执行在线电子产品订单?

In the bricks-and-mortar world, the retailer now generally prefers to form partnerships with local partners when entering a new market – as it has done recently in Central America and Chile, and as it plans to do in South Africa with its ongoing Massmart deal. With Alibaba’s Taobao, Amazon’s and others already established in China’s online market, it looks like Walmart has opted for another local ally.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

搞笑版《非洲留英学生家信》 Yours baffled, on austerity, Bono and&n

Dear Father,


Greetings from London, where everyone is talking about “cuts”. Just like those times when you battled with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Remember that day when two young men came to your office? It was their first visit to Africa. They were clever. One worked for the Bank, the other the Fund. You were permanent secretary in education. They wanted to talk about cuts: in the civil service, in health, in education, in state-owned corporations, everywhere, cuts. You came back to our house that night very angry.

我从伦敦送来问候。现在这里人人都在谈论“削减开支”。就像回到了你和国际货币基金组织(IMF)及世界银行(World Bank)作斗争的日子。你还记得那天吗?那两个年轻人走进你的办公室。他们是第一次到访非洲。两个聪明的年轻人,一个为世界银行工作,另一个供职于IMF。当时你任教育部常务秘书。他们想和你谈谈“削减开支”的事:从公务员系统,到医疗、教育和国有企业,处处都要削减。那天晚上,你回到家里,怒气冲冲。

“These clever boys with their structural adjustment programmes, they will make life very hard, they will destroy a generation,” you told Mother at dinner.


Here in England, there is the same talk, same words, same ideas.


“And perhaps same results,” said cousin Didymus. Our English friend Anthony, who wants to go to university, did not laugh.


“Not funny,” he said.


Thank goodness, the IMF and the Bank don’t bother us in Africa as much as they used to. Instead they now watch Ireland – just like they used to watch us, when they sat in their central bank office, the one next to the governor’s.


Who, by the way, is on the African Union delegation that will advise the Irish on “stakeholder ownership and grassroots participation and thorough consultation”? I hear they will meet Bono, who will lead supermodels, popstars and BBC newsreaders in an appeal to “Drop Ireland’s Debt”.


Anthony tells me there will be an airlift to Dublin of aid experts, development consultants and cross-cutting specialists, even.


He says he might join them, and do a year off pre-university in Ireland.


In their last letter to me, my sister and brother asked me to explain these cuts in England. I will try. Some things I know they will not believe, but they are true. Other things are very difficult to explain, and I myself am still learning. When I asked my lecturer in sociology to explain things, he said “poverty is relative”. This means . . . well, I am not sure.


But first, much has happened since I left home and came to study here. It is costing more than we thought. But I am lucky. Very lucky. I have work at McDonald’s. They pay me the minimum wage, £6 an hour. Some of my English friends call this a “rubbish” rate. I think this is why very few English students are working at McDonald’s.


I tell them that in a single weekend, working overtime, I earn what my youngest brother is paid as a security guard, for one year. Anthony is asking his parents and their friends to sponsor him, and raise money for his “gap year”. This means he wants them to buy his ticket to Africa. He says he will come to our country and help the people living in slums. This would be “brilliant”, he informed me.


Now let me answer about the “cuts”. People are very afraid of the cuts, especially “savage cuts”, that will come soon. Every day they are crying. I have listened carefully.


These are some of the things I have learnt. This part of the letter, my family, you may not believe. But I promise you, it is true.


First, in this country the government pays people to have children. One thousand pounds! Yes, I know – that is the average income of our people!


One thousand! For every child. Every year. Until they are 18.


Didymus says you are not to tell Uncle Tangwenya. Already he is father to seven. If he were promised money for making his children, he would come to London and no woman would be safe, says Didymus.


These child allowances will soon be cut, says the government. For me, it is duck’s water off my back, but for parents it is very worrying.


My sister Patience asked me if it was true that children in England did not have to walk to school. This is correct. If a child lives more than three miles from school, the council must provide transport. By taxi, even! Yes, that is the law.


But there is great fear that the cuts could end this. Other things may be cut. The children of my neighbour are very lazy, and are still sleeping when they should be at school. Yes! Sleeping! Even though they have a proper college with books and teachers, and classrooms with windows, with glass in them.


But if they arrive each day on time, they get paid! Yes! Twenty pounds a week. Just for getting to their college on time. They call it the “education maintenance allowance”.


Next time I will tell more about this “cuts” business – though much of it you won’t believe. At home, when you are sacked, you can starve. In this country, never. Never! There are “redundancy payments” and “unemployment benefits” and training schemes.


I must finish now, otherwise I will be late for work. Didymus told me to ask my sociology teacher: “Is hunger relative, just like you say poverty is relative?”


“Funny you should ask,” he replied, “because that is the subject of your next essay. Hand it in to me by Tuesday.”


Didymus said I must write what Kenneth Kaunda said after years of cuts in Zambia: “The medicine was so strong it killed the patient.”

迪戴莫斯说,我应该写上赞比亚前总统肯尼思•卡翁达(Kenneth Kaunda)在该国缩减开支多年后所说的话:“药力太强也会害死病人。”

Anthony was very interested. “Are the people in Zambia still hurting?” he asked.


“Yes”, I said. He looked more cheerful: “Sounds a good place for my gap year. If I don’t go to Ireland . . . ”


Your loving son.


印度火箭爆炸 太空计划受挫 India's space programme suffers set back

India’s celebrated space programme suffered a severe embarrassment over the Christmas weekend when a communications satellite veered off course after lift off and exploded.


Television footage showed the rocket engulfed in plumes of black and brown smoke about a minute after leaving its launch pad at a location near India’s southern city of Chennai.


The Christmas Day mishap was the second failure of a satellite launch in a year at a time when India is trying to commercialise its satellite launch capabilities. In April, a similar rocket carrying a satellite had similarly veered off course.


India has in past weeks signed agreements with major powers, including Russia and France, to boost its space programme, the Bangalore-based Indian Space Research Organisation. The space programme is a source of great national pride – exploring space was a dream of Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister.

过去几周,印度已与包括俄罗斯和法国在内的主要大国签署多份协议,以促进由位于班加罗尔的印度空间研究组织(Indian Space Research Organisation,简称:ISRO)主持的印度太空计划。太空计划是印度民族自豪感的来源之一,印度首任总理贾瓦哈拉尔•尼赫鲁(Jawaharlal Nehru)就曾梦想探索太空。

The international attention received by ISRO has raised expectations that India’s space programme may work more closely with Russia, the US and the European Union.


Indian scientists on Sunday said they were studying the explosion to discover why the rocket, propelled by Russian-designed engines, had malfunctioned. The Geostationary Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) was carrying the GSAT-5P communication satellite, intended for telecom, television and weather transmissions, when it exploded.


Its original launch date had been postponed from 20 December.


India has an ambitious satellite programme and is marketing its low-cost launches to other international partners in the region, including Singapore. New Delhi also has plans to send manned missions to space in coming years.


But the latest failure reflects a string of difficulties India has encountered sending heavy payloads into space.


An Asian space race has developed 30 years after Russia and the US vied for space supremacy. China and Japan over the past three years have also launched lunar missions.


China is to assist neighbouring Pakistan with its space programme and satellite launches, after the visit to Islamabad by Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier, earlier this month.


Although a launch date has not been announced, China is expected to launch the Pakistani satellite in August, most probably mid-month on the day when Pakistan celebrates its day of independence in 1947.












Saturday, December 25, 2010

中国增长模式不可持续 China’s growth model labelled ‘unsustainable’

China’s growth model is un­sustainable and the country faces a sudden slowdown unless it undergoes urgent economic and political reforms, according to a re­nown­ed Chinese academic.


A scathing indictment of the country’s extraordinary growth story, written by Yu Yongding, a former member of the People’s Bank of China monetary policy committee, has been published in the state-controlled China Daily newspaper.

前中国人民银行(PBoC)货币政策委员会委员余永定为由政府控制的《中国日报》(China Daily)撰文,对中国非同寻常的增长神话进行了严厉批判。

It points to rising social tensions, pollution, a lack of public services and an over-reliance on exports and investment, particularly in property, as threats to the nation’s economic future.


“China’s rapid growth has been achieved at an ex­tremely high cost. Only future generations will know the true price,” Mr Yu wrote in an editorial.


“[The] growth pattern has now almost exhausted its potential. So China has reached a crucial juncture: without painful structural adjustments the momentum of its economic growth could suddenly be lost.”


His comments come at a time when many inter­national observers already accept the inevitability of China overtaking the US as the world’s largest economy. Within China, many Communist party leaders speak about the superiority of “socialism with Chinese characteristics”, as shown by its apparent resilience in the global financial crisis.


China’s economy grew 9.6 per cent in the third quarter from the same period in 2009. But many economists are worried about overheating after annual consumer price inflation rose from 4.4 per cent in October to 5.1 per cent last month.


Mr Yu has been influential in Chinese policymaking. Besides his central bank role, he is former head of the Institute of World Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His harsh critique reflects a debate among policymakers before a 2012 transition that will see many of China’s leaders replaced by younger cadres.


Joseph Cheng, a professor of political science at the City University of Hong Kong, said many reform-minded scholars were concerned that reforms had stagnated “because leaders are preoccupied with jockeying for position”.

香港城市大学(City University of Hong Kong)政治学教授郑宇硕(Joseph Cheng)表示,许多具有改革意识的学者都担心,“由于领导人都专注于争权夺位”,改革已陷入停滞。

Mr Yu described a lack of innovation and creativity as the economy’s “Achilles heel”, and lamented the inefficient use of capital.


“Some local governments are literally digging holes and then filling them in to ratchet up the GDP,” he wrote. “Consequently, there are simply too many luxurious condominiums, magnificent government office buildings and soaring skyscrapers.”


While most of his observations have been ex­pressed before, it is unusual to see such complaints from a senior establishment scholar in state media. His comments included a call for political reform to help “break the unholy alliance” between government officials and business people.


“Under China’s current institutional arrangements, meritocracy is a prerequisite for good governance, but meritocracy has been eroded by a political culture of sycophancy and cynicism. Once again, the dialectics of economic development has brought political reform back to the fore.”


If China could not change the current system of “capitalism of the rich and powerful” and reduce the widening gap between rich and poor that was “fomenting social tension”, then “a serious backlash is brewing”.


网络冷笑话讥讽中国高房价 Viral e-mails highlight China’s unequal society

The anger harboured by Beijingers about sky-high housing prices has been captured in a sardonic e-mail spreading in Chinese cyberspace calculating how long it would take peasants, thieves and prostitutes to buy a home.


With consumer inflation in China topping 5.1 per cent in November, public dissatisfaction over price increases has reached the highest level since records began in 1999, according to a recent central bank survey.


But such surveys cannot convey the acerbic political wit that Chinese people, and especially Beijingers, are famous for when they have to “eat bitterness”, in this case to meet the cost of buying a home.


The e-mail, which has gone viral in various versions, provides unscientific but entertaining estimates of how long citizens need to work to afford a 100 sq m apartment in central Beijing, which currently sells for about Rmb3m ($450,000).


As long as there were no natural disasters, a peasant farmer working an average plot of land would just have been able to afford an apartment if he or she somehow had worked from the Tang Dynasty, which ended in 907AD, until now.


If a Chinese blue-collar worker had been on the average monthly salary of Rmb1,500 since the Opium Wars in the mid-19th century and had given up weekends, then he or she might just have been able to afford a place of their own.


Prostitutes, the e-mail says, would have to entertain 10,000 customers, a marathon feat requiring them to service a single customer a night from the age of 18 until the age of 46 without an evening off.


The thief would need to conduct 2,500 robberies to find the funds to buy a home.


Of course, the e-mail notes, such calculations do not count interior decoration, furniture or household electronics.


欧盟给中华民国免签证待遇1月11日起生效 35国免

区经商旅游,半年累计不超过90天,这被视为是马英九总统的重大外交成就。 欧







中国高铁偏爱英文操作手册? Chinese train driver manual –in English?

China’s railway ministry boasts that the country’s rapidly multiplying, state-of-the-art high speed trains are now completely homegrown, having been created by armies of Chinese engineers.


But, it now seems the engineers who have come up with all this authentic intellectual property are even smarter than the ministry would have us believe. After designing and building the new high-speed trains proliferating across the country they apparently decided to write the instruction manuals for train drivers in English, instead of their native Chinese.


This little fact was revealed in a glowing piece of propaganda published by the Chinese Communist Party that profiled “China’s Number 1 high speed train driver” – a man called Li Dongxiao.


In the interview with state media, Li brags about making a bet with a German engineer who said there was no way Li could learn to drive the new “home-grown” Chinese high-speed trains in time for the first pre-Olympics trial of the Beijing to Tianjin express line in 2008.


But Li said through tireless work and indomitable persistence he and his team were able to translate the English instruction manual into Chinese on their own and learnt to drive the new trains within just nine days.


Li won the bet with the German engineer, whose involvement in the “home-grown” high speed train project is not explained.


However, Li’s account does make one wonder why the Chinese engineers who came up with such advanced high-speed rail technology decided to write instruction manuals in perfect technical English for Chinese drivers, who only speak Chinese.


Another possible explanation is that in the rush to adapt and “digest” foreign rail technology from companies like Siemens, Alstom, Bombardier and Kawasaki somebody forgot to translate the instruction manuals before they re-branded the trains “Chinese”.

另一个可能的解释是,由于急于吸收和“消化”西门子(Siemens)、阿尔斯通(Alstom)、庞巴迪(Bombardier)和日本川崎重工(Kawasaki Heavy Industries)等外国公司的铁路技术,有些人忘了在将列车冠以“中国品牌”之前,应该事先翻译好操作手册。

The railway ministry has said in a statement long ago that there is absolutely no doubt about the origins of its technology: “China Railways has already grasped the core technology for trains that operate at speeds over 200kmh…and China Railways has the autonomous intellectual property rights for such trains.”


Now that the Chinese market is dominated by state-controlled domestic companies, the big international train producers are trying to catch a ride with them as the Chinese manufacturers start to peddle their technology overseas, with the help of cheap credit from Chinese banks. We’ll have to wait and see what language the training manual will be in for American, Australian, Brazilian, Thai and Saudi Arabian drivers when those countries start to buy “home-grown” Chinese trains.


罗马尼亚“入申”凸显欧盟新老成员矛盾 Threat to stop Romania joining Schengen fuels tension

The European Union faced the prospect of escalating tensions between new and old members after Romania’s president accused France and Germany of “an act of discrimination” by blocking the coun- try’s entry into Europe’s border-free Schengen area.


Traian Basescu told reporters on Wednesday that Romania had met all technical conditions for entry and argued that the introduction of conditions would breach European law and create “an unacceptable precedent”.

特拉扬•伯塞斯库(Traian Basescu)周三对记者表示,罗马尼亚已满足加入申根区的所有技术条件。他认为,增加条件将违反欧洲法律,并开创“一个令人无法接受的先例”。

“We will not accept discrimination from anybody, even from the EU’s most powerful states,” he said.


The anger comes after the interior ministers of Germany and France wrote to EU officials saying that slow progress on judicial reforms, fighting corruption and “alarming organised crime” made them unable to back Romania and Bulgaria’s Schengen membership, which was scheduled to be voted on in March.


According to EU officials, the Franco-German letter came after Mr Basescu had made a personal appeal for Schengen membership to fellow European heads of government at last week’s summit in Brussels, although the issue was not on the agenda.


The letter added to tensions between western and eastern EU members. France and Germany last week sided with Britain to freeze the EU budget for the next decade, a move that would have disproportionate effect on new member states in the east, who are heavy recipients of EU development funds.


In addition, it comes as Hungary is set to become only the third former communist country to assume the EU’s six-month rotating presidency in January. Hungarian officials have said that Schengen membership for Bulgaria and Romania is one of the priorities for their presidency.


An EU official said Hungary was angered by the timing of the move by France and Germany, but a Hungarian diplomat said they would continue to push for Bulgarian and Romanian inclusion.


韩国军演让半岛紧张局势升级 Two  Koreas  raise  the  rhetoric

North Korea has warned of a “holy war” against the South, including use of nuclear weapons, while President Lee Myung-bak, of South Korea vowed a “merciless counterattack” if its territory were assaulted again.

朝鲜警告可能会对韩国发动“圣战”,包括动用核武器,而韩国总统李明博(Lee Myung-bak)则誓言,一旦领土再次遭袭,韩国将进行“无情的反击”。

Both sides were raising the rhetoric on the day South Korea launched big land and sea military exercises, prompting North Kor­ea to denounce its richer neighbour as a warmonger.


The drills, the third this week, were seen as part of efforts by Mr Lee, who visited a frontline military unit on Thursday, to present a stronger image following heavy public criticism of the South Korean military’s response to North Korea’s deadly attack on Yeonpyeong island last month.


The defence minister was subsequently forced to resign after the attack, in which four people died.


Mr Lee said the military should launch a “merciless counterattack” if the North carried out further assaults like the Yeonpyeong incident, which caught South Koreans off-guard. He added that South Korea must remain vigilant, saying: “We had believed patience would ensure peace on this land, but that was not the case.”


But some analysts fear the exercises might provoke fresh violence from the North, which has condemned Seoul’s actions. Pyongyang’s official KCNA news agency said that the South’s claims that the drills were routine were an attempt to “hide the provocative nature toward the North of the war exercises”.


Rodong Sinmun, the North’s official newspaper, accused the US of conspiring with Seoul and Tokyo to spark war.

朝鲜官方报纸《劳动新闻》(Rodong Sinmun)指责美国与韩日两国密谋发动战争。

“The Korean peninsula has turned sharply unstable on the brink of war due to scheming by the US to militarily stifle the North,” the commentary said.


But Pyongyang stopped short of threatening retaliation, as China urged caution on both sides.


Analysts said the North might not strike back immediately, as it was waiting to see the outcome of diplomatic efforts, with China calling for six-party talks and urging Pyongyang to allow international inspectors to return to its main nuclear facilities. But they warned that long-term risks remained, given the unpredictable nature of the reclusive regime.


“The series of drills would certainly anger North Korea’s military, although it is unlikely to retaliate for the time being as the regime tries to resume talks with the US,” said Cheong Seong-chang, a researcher at the Sejong Institute in Seoul. “If the US continues to show a cool response to the North’s offer and if Pyongyang judges that the possibility of bilateral talks is low, it may return to military options with strong provocations against the South to force Washington and Seoul to change their policies toward the North.”

韩国世宗研究院(Sejong Institute)研究员郑相昌(Cheong Seong-chang)表示:“一系列军演肯定会激怒朝鲜军方,不过由于朝鲜正试图恢复与美国对话,它暂时不太可能进行报复。如果美国对朝鲜的示好继续反应冷淡,且朝鲜认定举行双边会谈的可能性不高,朝鲜就可能重新诉诸军事手段,对韩国进行严重挑衅,以迫使美国和韩国改变其对朝政策。”

通用电气加速纽约河道污染治理 GE steps up pace in New York toxic river clean-up

General Electric will set aside a further $500m to pay for the clean-up of toxic chemicals from the bottom of the Hudson River as part of efforts to end one of the longest-running environmental battles in the US.


GE has finally agreed to US Environmental Protection Agency demands to complete an extensive dredging programme to restore the New York river.


A 200-mile stretch of waterway was contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls from GE’s capacitor manufacturing plants, which began using the toxins in the 1940s. The chemicals were banned in 1977 after being linked to cancer, and the EPA closed the river to fishing. GE battled with regulators for decades over the scale and shape of the clean-up.


In recent years the industrial group has sought to reinvent itself as a green company with its “Ecomagination” campaign, making the Hudson issue a particularly vexing legacy.


GE began work on the clean-up last year, but progress was hampered after PCBs were found at greater depth and in larger quantities than expected. GE has already spent $830m on the first phase, including $561m when it ran dredges 24 hours a day for several months.


Last week the EPA issued stronger guidelines to GE for the next phase of the clean-up, capping months of talks. The EPA estimates the project could take six years and require the removal of billions of cubic yards of contaminated soil.


David King, director of the EPA’s Hudson River field office, said: “We both want to get this done as soon as possible. They are stepping up to the plate.”

EPA哈德逊河区域办公室主任大卫•金(David King)表示:“我们都希望尽快完成这项工作。他们已经加快了速度。”

Jeff Immelt, GE chief executive, said recently the fourth-quarter charge would take the Hudson issue “off the table when looking at the future financially”.

GE首席执行官杰夫•伊梅尔特(Jeff Immelt)最近表示,“考虑未来财务安排的时候”,第四季度的支出会让哈德逊河问题在未来讨论财务问题时“渐渐淡出”。

中国悄悄公布航母计划 China reveals aircraft carrier plans

China has launched an ambitious plan to build an aircraft carrier, the country has revealed for the first time, in a move that will heighten international scrutiny of the rapid expansion of its naval power.


The decision, which has far-reaching implications for China’s defence strategy and diplomatic relations, was disclosed in a single sentence buried at the end of a lengthy book published by a government agency earlier this year.


“In 2009, China put forward a plan and a programme for building an aircraft carrier,” says China’s Ocean Development Report (2010), a book published in May by the State Oceanic Administration, a body under the Ministry of Land and Resources.


“This shows that China has started entering a new historic era of comprehensively building itself into a great naval power. [This] is China’s historic task for the entire 21st century,” the report said.


The effort to add carrier power to the increasingly potent People’s Liberation Army Navy, and the fact that official word slipped out in an obscure publication, will fuel concerns about China’s military intentions.


The carrier programme confirmation was first reported by Asahi Shimbun, a Japanese newspaper, just ahead of Tokyo’s announcement of a generational refocusing of its military forces to defend southern islands, seen as threatened by Chinese naval power.

中国证实航母计划的消息,最早见于日本的《朝日新闻》(Asahi Shimbun)。日本政府紧接着宣布对国防政策进行世代性调整,把重点放在保卫被认为受到中国海军力量威胁的南方岛屿上。

Japan’s new policy highlighted China’s rapid defence build-up and ability to project force far offshore, saying the “insufficient transparency of China’s military affairs and security guarantees” was becoming an international “cause for concern”.


Beijing has previously offered hints of its carrier plans; a senior Chinese defence official told the Financial Times two years ago that the world should not be surprised if China built an aircraft carrier. In March last year, Liang Guanglie, China’s minister of defence, told his Japanese counterpart that China would not remain forever the only major power without an aircraft carrier.


Defence experts have also spotted, from satellite imagery, the construction of runways at two military airports suitable for training pilots for carrier landings. The Varyag, a Soviet-era aircraft carrier hull that China bought from Ukraine in 1998, has been under repair for expected service as an exercise platform. However, official confirmation of the programme is still likely to cause a stir.


“An aircraft carrier symbolises the ambition to move far beyond your own shores. It is a tool for power projection,” said an Asian defence attache in Beijing. “China’s navy is still a dwarf compared with the US, but this makes it official that they will be rivals.”


Beijing’s defence ministry declined to comment, but the foreign ministry dismissed the Japanese concerns, saying China’s military was purely defensive and a “threat to nobody”.


“Individual countries have no right to pretend to represent international society while talking irresponsible nonsense about China’s development,” spokesman Jiang Yu said.


Revelation of the carrier decision comes just as China is trying to repair the diplomatic damage caused by aggressive rhetoric from defence officials.


Beijing has recently silenced several military officers who had raised hackles earlier this year with belligerent comments and has resumed military-to-military dialogue with the US ahead of official exchanges including a visit by Hu Jintao, China’s president, to Washington next month.


The US navy complained last year that its vessels had been harassed by Chinese ships in international waters. Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, said earlier this year he had “gone from being curious about where China is headed to being concerned about it”.

美国海军去年抱怨其舰船在公海遭到中国船只骚扰。美国参谋长联席会议主席麦克•马伦(Mike Mullen)今年早些时候表示:“对于中国的发展方向,我已经从好奇变成了担忧。”

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


卖辣椒的人经常碰到这样一个众所周知又非常经典的问题,那就是不断会有买主问:你这辣椒辣吗?不好回答。答辣吧,也许买辣椒的人是个不怕 辣的立 马走人;答不辣吧,也许买辣椒的人是个喜欢吃辣的,生意还是不成。当然解决的办法也众所周知并且非常经典的,那就是把辣椒分成两堆,吃辣的各选所需,这是 书上说的。



说 着就来了一个买东主,问的果然是那句老话:辣椒辣吗?卖辣椒的妇女很肯定地告诉他:颜色深的辣,颜色浅的不辣!买主信以为真,挑好辣椒付过钱,满意地走 了。也不知今天是怎么回事,大部分人都是买不辣的,不一会儿,颜色浅的辣椒就所剩无几了。我于是又说:把剩下的辣椒分成两堆吧?不然就不好卖了!
























    看到此,我估计很多人开始纳闷:这么简单个食堂生意,管理竟然如此复杂?! 这就对了,因为你是外行。如果一个真正管过食堂,而且成功管理过食堂的人,这个问题对她(他)就是小菜一碟了。这就是管理永远是具体的道理——外行不能管内行。












    “ 这些保安都是从农村来的小伙子,肚量大得很,要让他们满意首先得保证他们能吃饱。可是每人每天就这么点伙食费,怎么才能让他们吃饱?因此,必须精打细算。比如,不要买刚下来的新鲜菜、不要买质量好的菜,尽量买过季菜、处理菜;不要买活鱼,要买死鱼;不要买里脊肉,要买肥肉……买这些东西可不是一般人能买的,必须是做菜的大师傅。大师傅在菜摊看到便宜菜和肉时,脑袋里马上就能想像做什么菜,因此在讨价还价时,他可以立即作决定。否则买菜一个人,做菜一个人,天天得吵架。做餐馆的人哪个不知道,凡是有人投诉饭菜质量,大师傅一定会先找原材料质量不好的原因。所以我必须把这个权力交给大师傅,让他能像我妈妈那辈子的人一样,会过穷日子,用一点点的钱变着法让一家人尽可能吃好。可是大师傅不是我妈,得鼓励他才行。怎么鼓励?食堂就餐者每个月对饭菜质量有评分,评分越高,大师傅奖金就越高。”



    “ 那你要分析,就餐者对什么最在意?这个食堂吃饭的小伙子们对饭菜不满意,主要是分量上。我刚接手这个食堂时是,他们半自助餐。可是你知道了,凡是吃自助餐的人,都是眼大肚子小;尽量多要,吃不了,不是硬撑,就是偷着倒。食堂员工怕后边的人不够,就尽量少给,结果总吵架。做食堂的人都知道,合餐一定比分餐省;可是分餐卫生,方便和时髦,所以一般公司食堂大都采用分餐。可是你得看你的食客是什么人?如果都是白领当然要分餐了,人得先吃饱后吃好。于是,我终于说服物业公司把分餐制改成合餐制。我的条件他们不能拒绝,八人一桌、四菜一汤、公筷分菜、凑齐再吃。结果满意度一下子上升10个百分点。

    “ 不仅如此,要想少花钱吃饱饭,只有一招——多吃饭少吃菜。我和大师傅在制定菜式时就想方设法,让中午和晚间每顿饭都必须有一个口味重,能下饭的菜。比如:梅菜扣肉、红烧鱼、腌菜炒大肠、麻婆豆腐等。做这些菜必须多放油、盐、酱油、味精、调料,所以原材料也就不用很新鲜的,要知道死鱼比活鱼价钱差一半。













    “ 所以我把采购权分开。把需要采购的东西,首先按性质分。是标准产品不管金额大小,能招标的就不独立采购,比如:粮油招投标,盐味精酱油醋这些东西虽然金额小,也招投标。这叫什么?尽可能不诱人犯罪。现在买十瓶啤酒都可以讲价,所以要尽可能把漏洞堵上。不能投标采购的,比如副食青菜,不论金额多大,要直接交给最懂行的大师傅。为什么?除了上面说的原因,我现在经营四个食堂,最高的伙食标准是每人每天20元,最低是7元,它们用的原材料都不一样,放到一起采购只能顾此失彼。扫把抹布员工制服这些杂品由每个食堂经理购买。这样人人负责一部分,不仅能买到最合适的东西,每人买的品种少、金额小,稍稍吃点差价,就容易暴露出来,比如:别的食堂拖把5元钱,你买的拖把10元钱,你能不心虚吗?

    “ 人这种东西,别人怎么管都不如自己管自己。我这样做还有一个原因,谁都知道买东西是个好活,被人家敬烟敬酒还请吃饭,还有可能拿回扣。可是好事就要尽可能大家都有份,不能我整天烟熏火燎,你整天在外面风光,否则就会引起嫉妒和流言蜚语。如果把权力分散开来,大家都可以沾光还可以互相监督。当然我也不是为了分散而分散,该集中的我还是要集中,比如:我把粮油酱味的招标权下放到一个食堂经理那里,由他代替其他五间食堂采购。当然招标是轮流坐庄,下一年由另外一个食堂的经理负责。

    “ 别人的老板都说:员工都想少干活多拿钱。我看不是,我觉得员工是想少干不好的活,比如洗菜擦地这些脏活和累活。如果让洗菜的小工监督过秤,不给他们钱都高兴干。为什么?不仅能到厨房外面凉快凉快,喘口气抽口烟,掌握秤杆子还能受到别人尊敬呀。他不仅需要复秤,还要记录;短秤了,还要找大师傅对证。是人,哪个不想有点权力?所以我的原则就是让所有人都有点小权。

    “ 人有权无责、有权无法都容易乱来。洗菜小工抽别人几根烟是小事,上万斤米面的采购就容易出大事。所以我虽然把米面的招标权力交给食堂经理,但是招标必须按我制定的方法招。我们的招标结果事先任何人,包括评标者都不可能知道。因为我们做的是吃的生意,入嘴的东西不能只斗价钱低,否则斗来斗去,什么毒米就混进来了。因此我的招标方法永远是:第一,至少有四家无关联的供应商投标;第二,必须有一家新的供应商;第三,中标者是最接近四家平均价钱的投标者。任何人违反这个规则,就等于犯了法,你必须要交代清楚。”





印度与中国攀比经济增速“非常愚蠢” Sen warns that India’s growth must not come at price of food

The Indian fixation with surpassing China’s rate of economic growth is “very stupid” as a measure of the nation’s advancement, Amartya Sen, the world-renowned scholar and Nobel laureate for economics, has warned.

世界知名学者、诺贝尔经济学奖获得者阿玛蒂亚•森(Amartya Sen)警告称,印度执着于追求超过中国的经济增速、视其为衡量国家发展的标准,是一件“非常愚蠢”的事。

Prof Sen on Tuesday said that such comparisons between the two rising economies were dangerously misguided, and recommended that Indian leaders pay more attention to reducing chronic undernourishment among their country’s 1.2bn people than pursuing ever higher growth targets.


“I don’t think the issue of India and China and which one will have a higher rate of growth is interesting at all,” Prof Sen told students and young entrepreneurs in the Indian capital. “It’s not a serious question how [India’s] 8.5 per cent compares with [China’s] 9.5 per cent.”


Mr Sen was responding to an obsession with India’s climbing growth rate among New Delhi’s policy elite, a focus that often overlooks whether greater activity in parts of the country translates into improved human development indicators.


Indians suffer some of the severest nutritional deficiencies in the world. Stunted development affects about half of the nation’s young children.


Manmohan Singh, the prime minister and close friend of Prof Sen’s, has forecast that India will reach 10 per cent economic growth in the medium term, placing it on par with China.

森的密友、印度总理曼莫汉•辛格(Manmohan Singh)预测,印度经济增速在中期内会达到10%,与中国不相上下。

Data released last month showed that India’s economy grew close to 9 per cent in the three months to the end of September. Business leaders and policymakers believe India could grow much faster but acknowledge that faster, unbalanced growth could pose dangers for the country.


One Mumbai-based business leader describe India’s current growth as a “default rate” that could easily be exceeded if government intervention was lessened.


Prof Sen said higher growth was a “positive thing” in the context of social justice, poverty reduction and directing greater public revenues towards health and education.


He proposed that greater attention be given to whether India was “falling behind” in feeding its population at a time of high food prices and what India could learn from China about social improvement. “Why is it that undernourishment is so hardy [in India]?” he asked.


中国呼吁朝鲜接受国际社会核查 China calls on N Korea to admit inspectors

China has made a rare appeal to North Korea to allow international inspections of its nuclear facilities amid signs that recent tension on the Korean peninsula might be easing.


Beijing, Pyongyang’s only ally, has refused to criticise it publicly despite coming under intense pressure since a North Korean attack on the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong in November. “We support North Korea to make peaceful use of nuclear energy, but it should also respect inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency under the framework of the six-party talks,” said Jiang Yu, a foreign ministry spokeswoman.


She made the remarks after Bill Richardson, the US governor of New Mexico, had said after a private trip to North Korea that Pyong­yang had agreed to do just that. “The specifics are that they will allow IAEA personnel to go to [North Korea’s main nuclear site] Yongbyon to ensure that they are not processing highly enriched uranium, that they are proceeding with peaceful purposes,’’ Mr Richardson said while in transit at Beijing.

在姜瑜发表上述讲话前,美国新墨西哥州州长比尔•理查森(Bill Richardson)刚刚结束对朝鲜的私人访问。理查森说,平壤方面已同意接受国际原子能机构人员赴朝核查。他在过境北京时表示:“具体内容是,他们将允许国际原子能机构人员前往[朝鲜主要核基地]宁边,以确保他们并未提炼高浓缩铀,而是出于和平目的利用核能。”

Ms Jiang said China had “taken note” of Mr Richardson’s reported comments. “The situation remains very complicated and sensitive,” she added, reiterating China’s repeated calls for restraint from all sides and a resumption of the talks.


Urging North Korea to allow the return of IAEA inspectors, who were asked to leave in 2009, is a departure for Beijing, which previously refused to condemn the Yeonpyeong attack.


But South Korea remains unimpressed. “The appeal only came after Richardson had already conveyed the message,” said a Seoul diplomat. Mr Richardson also cautioned that North Korea had taken only a first step. “I believe that’s an important gesture on their part, but there still has to be a commitment eventually to denuclearise, to abide by the 2005 agreement that says they will terminate their nuclear weapons activities,” he said.


And the White House on Tuesday rejected new multinational talks with North Korea on the nuclear issue, saying it needed to change its “belligerent” behaviour first, AP reports.


China also tried to defuse any risk of additional tension from a maritime clash between Chinese fishing boats and South Korean coastguard at the weekend. One fisherman drowned and eight were detained by South Korean authorities as the result of a standoff in South Korean waters.


Ms Jiang said the incident had “no direct relation” to the situation on the peninsula.






China expressed 'grave concern' and demanded compensation Tuesday over a weekend clash between Chinese fishermen and South Korean coast guards in the Yellow Sea which resulted in the death of one of the fishermen.
It was Beijing's first official comment since South Korean officials reported that a Chinese fishing boat had capsized Saturday after ramming a South Korean patrol ship, leaving one Chinese crew member dead and another missing.
The Chinese boat was among about 50 that were fishing illegally in South Korean waters, according to South Korean officials, who also accused some of the other fishermen of fighting the coast guards with metal pipes, shovels and clubs.
The clash follows a fierce diplomatic dispute between Japan and China in September that was triggered by Japan's detention of a Chinese fishing boat and its crew following a collision with a Japanese coast-guard vessel near disputed islands in the East China Sea.
(This story and related background material will be available on The Wall Street Journal website,
Chinese state media had played down Saturday's incident in an apparent effort not to escalate tensions in a region that has been on edge since a North Korean artillery raid on a South Korean island last month.
But China broke its silence Tuesday after North Korea announced that it would not retaliate against a South Korean artillery test Monday and would allow United Nations inspectors to examine its nuclear sites.
'The Chinese side expresses its grave concern about the incident,' Jiang Yu, a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, told a regular news briefing in Beijing.
She said China had 'made solemn representations' to South Korea, and called on it to rescue the missing fishermen, punish the perpetrators, offer compensation for the loss of life and property, and ensure that such incidents do not happen again.
She did note that South Korea had immediately deployed rescue ships and helicopters to the scene, and that they were still searching for the missing fisherman.
However, her strongly worded statement could exacerbate concern in South Korea and among other neighbors that China is deliberately sending its fishing boats into foreign or disputed waters to help meet domestic demand.
More than 300 Chinese fishing boats are captured for fishing illegally in South Korean waters every year, according to South Korea's coast guard.
In 2008, one South Korean coast guard officer was killed and six others injured in a scuffle with Chinese fishermen fishing in South Korean waters.
Over the last year, China has also been reasserting its territorial claims to almost all of the South China Sea, alarming several Southeast Asian nations that claim parts of it.

中国国家电网伸向巴西 State Grid views Brazil as another smart

China’s State Grid, which on Tuesday announced a close to $1bn investment in Brazil, often refers to itself as the backbone of its homeland.

周二宣布向巴西投资近10亿美元的中国国家电网(State Grid),常常自称为国家骨干企业。

The state-owned group, which serves more than 1bn people in China and employs 1.5m, is so closely linked to the government it receives a public grading – almost always an “A” – by its state supervisor.


Electricity was one of the last sectors to undergo structural reform as China moved away from a planned economy, and State Grid was born from that process in 2002. The reforms also created China Southern Power Grid and five state-owned generators.

在中国脱离计划经济的进程中,电力是最后几个进行结构性改革的领域之一,国家电网于2002年应运而生。此次改革还缔造了中国南方电网(China Southern Power Grid)及其它五家国有供电企业。

But State Grid is by far the most powerful. Headed by Liu Zhenya, a party member who has worked at the company for 40 years, State Grid has steadily consolidated its position and manoeuvred its way into near-total dominance of the country’s multi-billion-dollar smart grid plans.


Named the world’s eighth-largest company by revenues by this year’s Fortune Global 500 list, State Grid had total assets in 2009 of $293.2bn. Profits, however, were a mere 4.52bn yuan ($678m). China’s electricity is plagued by a simple problem of geography – the country’s energy resources are far away from the cities that need them – and the goal of the smart grid is to help solve that.


“Speeding up the building of a strong and smart grid is good for the basic transformation of China’s power development,” Mr Liu said. A better, more efficient grid is key to achieving the environmental goals of the next five-year plan, he said, promising that all areas of China would have basic grid connections by 2012.


State Grid has said it will spend Rmb1,700bn on grid construction in the next five years and complete the smart grid by 2015. That project will make it the world’s largest consumer of copper, and therefore a key driver of copper prices.


The power lines that State Grid is building will draw energy from remote corners of the country, for example channelling Tibetan hydropower into urban areas, and also reach beyond China’s borders.


A Russia-China transmission line has been under discussions for years, and the company has signed energy co-operation agreements with Mongolia and Kazakhstan.


The Brazil deal is a different type of venture, however. Rather than securing energy for Chinese cities, the deal is aimed at raising the company’s strategic international presence and securing a profit. “With constant breakthroughs, the company has upgraded Chinese enterprises’ global influence in the field of energy,” according to the company website.


State Grid first went abroad in 2007, when it won an auction as part of a consortium to operate the national grid in the Philippines. More recent overseas efforts have been mixed: the company failed to receive Chinese government approval for a Chilean copper investment this year.


“The Chinese are becoming more aggressive in making overseas acquisitions and in the future they will be major players in the international power sector,” says Brett King, a partner at Paul, Hastings, Janofsky and Walker, which specialises in power deals.

专门从事电力交易的普衡律师事务所(Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker)合伙人布雷特·金(Brett King)表示:“中国在海外收购方面正变得愈发积极,他们今后将成为国际电力领域的主要参与者。”

The Brazilian power sector has not traditionally been a money-spinner for foreign power companies, but for State Grid the returns in Brazil probably look much better than at home, where it barely made a profit last year.


扎克伯格的中国“假期” Zuckerberg’s Chinese “holiday”

“Mark Zuckerberg” and “vacation” aren’t phrases that most people would normally associate.

大多数人通常不会把Facebook创始人马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)和“休假”这个词联系在一起。

The Facebook founder is known for working long hours; a two-month “lockdown” over the summer kept developers in the office for extended periods while new products – such as Mail – were created.


So it shouldn’t be surprising that when Mr Zuckerberg takes holiday to China, it isn’t all temple visits and cocktails.


Visiting Beijing with his girlfriend this weekend, Zuck was spotted in the offices of Baidu, China’s largest search engine. He had lunch with Robin Li, Baidu’s chief executive and one of China’s wealthiest men, and toured around the search engine’s offices.

上周末有人发现,携女友到访北京的扎克伯格现身百度公司(Baidu),百度是中国最大的搜索引擎。他与中国首富之一、百度CEO李彦宏(Robin Li)共进午餐,还参观了百度办公室。

A Baidu spokesperson confirmed the visit, joking on Twitter that rumours the company was buying Facebook were “greatly exaggerated”.


“Robin and Mark have known each other for a while,” he said. “Mark’s interest in China is well known.”


Avid Facebook watchers will know that Mr Zuckerberg has been learning Mandarin ahead of the trip. His tutor was shown on his recent Oprah appearance and he asked his Facebook friends about the best places to visit.


Even though his girlfriend since Harvard, Priscilla Chan, is Chinese, the region is of more than just personal interest to Mr Zuckerberg.

尽管他在哈佛认识的女朋友Priscilla Chan是中国人,但扎克伯格对中国的关注远非仅仅是个人兴趣。

This summer, he told an audience at the Cannes Lions advertising festival that China was a key target for Facebook’s future growth, alluding to “specific things” that the site could do there.

今年夏天,他在戛纳国际广告节(Cannes Lions advertising festival)上表示,中国是Facebook未来增长的一个关键目标,还提到了该网站在中国能做的一些“具体事情”。

Top of the list, surely, is lifting the current block on Facebook across China. That 1.3bn-person hole in the Facebook network was illustrated by the map released last week showing the blue lines connecting people around the world – leaving China almost entirely in the dark.


It’s almost impossible to know whether Mr Zuckerberg will meet with Chinese officials on this trip. There is a second-degree connection with Tencent, the local social networking giant, which bought a stake in Facebook’s Russian investor, DST, earlier this year. But Tencent could also have the most to lose if Facebook made great strides in China.


So would some sort of relationship with Baidu be one of those “specific things” which might break Facebook through the great firewall? As Google has found, China is a notoriously difficult market for US internet companies to work in – and almost impossible without a local partnership.


A Facebook’s spokesperson would only confirm that he is there on holiday and declined to comment on “any speculation”.


人民币国际化走上正轨 Yuan direction

So new is the trade in offshore Chinese currency bonds that it has yet to gain a proper name. For want of anything else, it is often dubbed the “dim sum” market, in culinary recognition of its Hong Kong home base.


In spite of its infancy, interest in the market is growing quickly. Caterpillar, the US-based maker of earthmoving equipment, launched a Rmb1bn ($150m) bond issue last month, making it the second multinational to tap the market, following an August issue by McDonald’s, the fast-food chain.


What makes these bond issues important is that the offshore renminbi market is much more than just a new avenue for debt financing – it is one of the core components in a plan to internationalise the Chinese currency. The process will be a slow one, with more baby steps than giant leaps, and it is by no means assured that the renminbi – also known as the yuan – will forge a decisive international role. But it is one that could have a huge long-term impact on trade, the global financial system and even international politics.


If the plan works, the renminbi could become the main currency for doing business in Asia, the world’s most economically dynamic region, and in the long run it could become a significant part of the reserves of the world’s central banks. Indeed, some Chinese officials have already called for the renminbi to be included in the International Monetary Fund’s basket of main currencies.


The timing is also full of portents. The renminbi is starting to go global just as the future of the euro is uncertain. Eventually the shift could have an impact on the ability of the US to borrow overseas in its own currency. In China, some have taken to calling their currency the hongbi, or “redback”, to rival America’s greenback – a moniker that gives a flavour of the geopolitical undercurrents.


“We may be on the verge of a financial revolution of truly epic proportions,” says Qu Hongbin, China economist at HSBC, one of the banks pushing the renminbi to its corporate clients. “The world economy is, slowly but surely, moving from greenbacks to redbacks.”


In many ways, the surprise is how little the renminbi is currently used outside China’s borders. China is now the second-largest economy in the world, the largest exporter of manufactured goods and holder of the largest volume of foreign exchange reserves. Yet the amount of the currency held overseas is negligible – the result of China’s strict capital controls and restrictions on currency trade.


“If aliens landed on earth today, they would look at the current global monetary system and think it is very weird and unreasonable,” Li Daokui, who sits on the monetary policy committee of the People’s Bank of China, told a forum in Beijing last month.


Yet the financial crisis has changed attitudes in Beijing and bolstered support for China to seek a greater international role for its currency. Officials argue that the crisis came about because the international monetary system allows the US to run unsustainable current account deficits. As a result, over the past year Beijing has put in place some of the conditions for the renminbi to go global.


The first step has been to encourage international trade to be conducted in renminbi. That process accelerated in June, when China expanded its year-old renminbi trade settlement scheme to every country in the world and to 20 Chinese provinces and municipalities, allowing imports and exports to be invoiced and settled in renminbi.


Even if the use of the currency is to be limited to trade, companies and banks still need to be able to hold and invest renminbi offshore – which started to become possible in some scale from July when the authorities allowed renminbi-denominated financial markets to spring to life in Hong Kong. A month later, a select group of investors, including foreign central banks, were given limited access to China’s onshore bond market. Malaysia is believed to have become the first central bank to hold mainland renminbi assets in its reserves.


The effect has been dramatic. The People’s Bank says trade settled in renminbi totalled Rmb340bn between June and November – from zero just a year and a half ago. The pace has stunned senior western bankers who know the region. Renminbi deposits in Hong Kong banks surged 45 per cent in October to Rmb217bn – another reflection of the use of the Chinese currency in trade.


F or Chinese companies, the attractions of settling cross-border trade in their own currency are clear. Avoiding the dollar allows them to cut transaction costs and minimise foreign exchange risks – a huge benefit in a world at risk of a global currency war.


Sinochem, China’s biggest trading company, is one of the pioneers. The group’s offshore trading division in Singapore this year received renminbi as payment for sales of petrochemicals, rubber and fertiliser, after what it says were requests to do so from Chinese companies as well as units of Sinochem on the mainland. “This allows us to build a stronger bond with our customers,” says Song Song, finance manager at Sinochem International (Overseas), who expects the trend to continue.


Indeed, an increasing number of western multinationals – including McDonald’s from the US, Ikea and Nokia in the Nordic region and Germany’s Metro – are also experimenting with using the renminbi in trade deals. “For our corporate clients, US dollars and euros are no longer the de facto currencies of trade,” says Shivkumar Seerapu, Asia head of trade finance at Deutsche Bank.

的确,越来越多的西方跨国企业——包括美国的麦当劳、北欧的宜家(Ikea)、诺基亚(Nokia)以及德国的麦德龙(Metro)——也在尝试用人民币进行贸易结算。“对我们的企业客户而言,美元和欧元不再是国际贸易的事实货币,”德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)贸易融资亚洲主管希夫库玛•西拉普(Shivkumar Seerapu)表示。

Deutsche, Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase are among banks rapidly building the infrastructure needed to process renminbi transactions across the world. Standard Chartered and its rival HSBC are meanwhile already well placed to capitalise on the internationalisation of the renminbi because they have strong positions in Hong Kong, the designated offshore centre for the Chinese currency. Makers of products “from garments to gas cylinders” have started using the renminbi, says Neil Daswani, head of transaction banking for North Asia at Standard Chartered.

德意志银行、花旗集团(Citigroup)以及摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)等银行都在迅速设置必需的基础设施,以便在全球范围内处理人民币交易。与此同时,渣打(Standard Chartered)及其竞争对手汇丰已经占据有利地位,能够获益于人民币的国际化进程,因为它们在指定的人民币离岸交易中心香港拥有稳固地位。渣打交易银行部门北亚区主管尼尔•达斯瓦尼(Neil Daswani)称,“从服装到气瓶”,各类产品的制造商都开始使用人民币。

Demand has been strongest from Hong Kong, he adds, but has also come from Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, the Middle East and the UK. According to economists and trade finance experts, the use of the renminbi in trade is likely to take off first in Asia and then between China and other developing countries.


Momentum is clearly gathering behind the renminbi internationalisation drive, yet it is still a highly unusual process and one that is not guaranteed success. In the past, market forces have driven the greater international role of a currency: but in the case of China, that development is being developed by bureaucratic plan. “The attempt to create an international and eventually fully convertible currency through a policy-driven process is unprecedented – nothing like this has ever been tried before, even partially,” says Paola Subacchi of the UK’s Chatham House think-tank in a recent paper. “Beijing is openly aware of the fact that there is no roadmap to guide this process.”

人民币国际化的势头显然正在增强。然而,这仍然是一个极不寻常的进程,能否成功还不一定。以往,推动一国货币国际化的是市场力量,但在中国,这是由政府计划推动的。“通过政策推动货币国际化,并最终实现完全自由兑换,这样的尝试是前所未有的——以前从来没有人这么试过,连不完全的尝试也没有,”英国智库查塔姆研究所(Chatham House)的保拉•苏巴基(Paola Subacchi)在最近的一篇论文中写道。“北京方面完全明白,这个过程并无可供依循的现成蓝图。”

What makes the push even more unusual is that Beijing still intends to retain a raft of capital controls, to insulate its economy and to prevent the currency from becoming fully convertible for the time being, because of the leadership’s fears about the volatility of foreign exchange markets and the impact of open capital flows on the country’s still underdeveloped financial system. As Ms Subacchi says, “past experience shows that convertibility and opening of the capital account have always preceded the international use of a currency, rather than the other way round”.


Instead, China is trying to use Hong Kong as a laboratory, where it can encourage international companies and investors to hold and trade renminbi-denominated products. The dim sum bonds are one part of that plan.


Meanwhile, to boost the foreign availability of renminbi, Beijing has over the past two years signed currency swap agreements with central banks in eight countries – Argentina, Belarus, Hong Kong, Iceland, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and South Korea – totalling a little over Rmb800bn. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the city’s de facto central bank, last month drew down Rmb10bn of its Rmb200bn swap line, opening a new way for commercial banks in the city to obtain renminbi for their corporate clients to use in trade deals. Hong Kong banks can also obtain renminbi via mainland banks and the local branch of Bank of China, subject to quotas.


Chinese officials admit, however, that while the offshore market in Hong Kong can help lay the groundwork for greater international use of the currency in trade, the renminbi cannot become a reserve currency until there is much greater access to the mainland bond markets and the renminbi is easier to trade on the foreign exchange market.


Given China’s caution about liberalising its financial system, all of this suggests a process where the renminbi takes a greater international role over a period measured in decades rather than years, meaning it will be a long time before reserve managers are really considering shifting substantial holdings of dollars into renminbi.


“There’s not a lot of point buying renminbi in Hong Kong if you can’t ultimately buy assets in China,” says John Greenwood, Invesco chief economist and architect of Hong Kong’s exchange rate mechanism. “[But Chinese policymakers] have got to be careful that they don’t make a hole in the dam that allows a huge flood in all directions – either inwards or outwards. China has a long way to go before its domestic capital markets can be opened up to foreign inflows without it being hugely destabilising.”

“如果你最终无法在中国购买资产,那么在香港买入人民币意义不大,”景顺(Invesco)首席经济学家、港元联系汇率制度之父祁连活(John Greenwood)表示。“(但中国政策制定者)必须小心,不要让大坝开口,导致各方资金大量涌入或涌出。中国还有很长的路要走,才能向海外资金开放国内资本市场,而不致产生破坏稳定的巨大影响。”

Y et one of the big questions posed by the Chinese plan is whether the authorities will really be able to keep such a tight rein on the process. HSBC estimates that within three to five years at least half of China’s trade flows with other developing economies will be conducted in renminbi – about $2,000bn – making it one of the three top global trading currencies. With such a huge volume circulating outside the country, it could become much harder to prevent unwanted capital from entering.


By encouraging the use of the renminbi, Beijing is also creating a constituency of investors, companies and central banks that will be lobbying for ever greater access to the currency and to Chinese markets.


Indeed, one reason global financial institutions are so excited about the internationalisation process is that they expect it to punch new channels through the wall of controls that protect the domestic financial system. By pushing for greater use of its currency, China could open up more quickly than many in Beijing might think.
