Monday, October 11, 2010

新成员有望改变联合国安理会力量格局UN Security Council set for shift in power

A group of powerful and increasingly influential states is poised to join the UN Security Council in elections this week, promising to alter the dynamics of the body’s decision-making.

数个实力强大、影响力日增的国家本周将通过选举加入联合国安理会(UN Security Council),有望改变该机构的决策机制。

In the contest for five of the 10 regionally based rotating seats, India and South Africa are standing unopposed, while the General Assembly will determine on Tuesday which two of Germany, Canada and Portugal will join the 15-member council on January 1.

安理会10个非常任理事国的席位按地区分配并由轮选产生。在对其中5个席位的竞选中,印度和南非没有遭到任何反对,而联合国大会(General Assembly)将于周二决定,德国、加拿大和葡萄牙三国中,会有哪两个国家在明年1月1日成为安理会的15个成员国之一。

Colombia is assured the remaining seat as representative of Latin American and Caribbean nations.


The newcomers will join Brazil and Nigeria, emerging regional powers that have already served the first 12 months of their non-renewable two-year terms.


“It’s a bit unusual to have so many heavy hitters who in the past have positioned themselves for permanent seats,” said Carne Ross, a former British diplomat who heads the New York-based Independent Diplomat consultancy.

“(参选的)有那么多个曾经试图获得常任理事国席位的国家,这有些不同寻常,”前英国外交官卡恩•罗斯(Carne Ross)表示。如今他是纽约咨询机构独立外交组织(Independent Diplomat)的负责人。

“It will be interesting to see if you have serious countries ready to stand up to the big boys by forming alliances,” he added.


The “big boys” are the five permanent members of the council – the US, Russia, China, UK and France – whose individual veto can overturn any resolution.


It is virtually impossible for the 10 non-permanent members of the council to stall measures on which all of the big five agree. They require seven votes in order to block a resolution.


However, as Brazil and Turkey illustrated by their opposition to a fourth round of UN sanctions against Iran this year, the emerging powers are now less disposed to accept the reality of “big power” rule without a struggle.


The new council will include up to half the Group of 20, an institution that has come to overshadow the UN as a forum for international decision-making on economic issues.


It will include all of the Brics – the alliance of emerging powers Brazil, Russia, India and China – and as many as three of the Group of Four that have pledged to support each other’s bids for a permanent seat on the Security Council.


The G4 – which comprises Brazil, Germany, India and Japan – completes its own two-year UN term on December 31.


“This will be a very particular Security Council with lots of big countries,” said a diplomat from one of the permanent powers. “It may prove less amenable than the previous one.”


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