Thursday, October 14, 2010

中国政改新动力Chinese whispers on political reform

For several years, a debate about political reform has been bubbling away in the upper echelons of China’s state apparatus. It has now received fresh fuel. Last week, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Liu Xiaobo, a dissident. And on Tuesday a group of former party officials published a letter demanding an end to censorship in China. The Communist Party’s central committee, which convenes on Friday, could discuss changes to the country’s authoritarian brand of capitalism. This is a debate China’s people deserve.


Reformist hopes centre on Wen Jiabao, China’s prime minister, who has made supportive noises about political change. In April he praised a partly discredited liberal former leader, Hu Yaobang. And in an interview with CNN aired in the US (but not China) on October 3, he described democracy and freedom as “irresistible”. Having overseen China’s arrival as a global economic superpower, does Mr Wen plan to use the autumn of his premiership to usher in a period of political renewal?


While it would be nice to think so, a big caveat should be entered. Public support from Chinese politicians for democracy and human rights is often little more than lip service. Even if Mr Wen is sincere, he may be thwarted. In the short term, Mr Liu’s Nobel prize may have strengthened the hand of China’s conservatives. More broadly, the country’s success in weathering the economic crisis has reinforced the belief within the Communist Party that its type of authoritarian capitalism trumps the west’s blend of political and economic freedom.


Chinese reformers should not be deflected. China’s spectacular economic growth may have been achieved without political reforms. But ultimately, political repression does not work. It treats the symptoms of social discontent while leaving the causes to fester. And it is harmful: last year’s child-deaths from toxic milk were an illustration of the price China pays for its system, which provides too few checks and balances to the actions of over-mighty corporations and officials. Requiring citizens to petition Beijing is an inadequate mechanism in the complex modern society China aspires to be.


Freedom of expression and association are mankind’s universal birthright. China’s constitution guarantees them. Beijing should honour this pledge. Denying citizens such rights betrays insecurity, not strength. Until the authority of China’s leaders is based on popular sovereignty, this insecurity will remain.

言论与集社自由是所有人与生俱来的权利。中国宪法也保护这些权利。中国政府应遵守这一誓约。剥夺公民的此类权利,是不安全感、而非实力的体现。如果中国领导人的权威不能建立于“主权在民”(popular sovereignty)的基础之上,这种不安全感将一直存在。

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