Thursday, March 3, 2011

上海市政府拟出售上海家化股份 Shanghai Jahwa stake sell-off

A 39 per cent government stake in Shanghai Jahwa United is set to be sold, paving the way for one of China’s top cosmetics manufacturers to compete more commercially in the world’s third biggest skincare market.

上海家化(Shanghai Jahwa United) 39%的政府股份将被售出,为中国顶级化妆品制造商之一在全球第三大护肤品市场展开更加商业化的竞争铺平道路。

China’s nearly Rmb60bn ($9bn) skincare market is a magnet for foreign players such as L’Oréal of France, but domestic players have fallen behind on their home turf. Just one of the top 10 skincare companies is Chinese, according to research consultancy Euromonitor.


Shanghai Jahwa United, which had revenues of Rmb2.4bn in first nine months of 2010 and net profit of Rmb204m, reckons switching into wholly public hands should enable it to compete more effectively. The company, which is partially listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, plans to invest more in marketing and other areas where multinationals are leading.


“Chinese state-owned companies have very poor management skills,” said Ge Wenyao, chairman, in an interview with the Financial Times.


“The government cannot do a good job helping state-owned companies compete in the cosmetic market, so they make the company fully private to better compete.”


Under the restructuring, due to take effect in April or May, the Shanghai government’s holding company will put its stake in Shanghai Jahwa United up for sale, along with a number of other disparate assets it also owns. Potential bidders include China Investment Corp, the sovereign wealth fund; Ping An, the Chinese insurer (in which the Shenzhen government owns a small stake) and Temasek, the investment arm of the Singaporean government. Mr Ge said he was also speaking to private bidders, but declined to name them. Based on last week’s market close, the stake in Shanghai Jahwa United is worth Rmb6.4bn. Together with the other assets, which include a resort hotel, the sale is expected to pull in Rmb7bn for the municipal government.


China’s skincare market grew at a compound annual growth rate of 16 per cent from 2004-2009, according to Euromonitor, which expects total sales to reach Rmb84bn by 2014.


It has attracted shoals of multinationals, with L’Oréal overtaking Procter & Gamble in 2009 to take the top slot. Japan’s Shiseido and Coty Inc of the US are also aggressively pushing for a slice of the action; the latter recently bought local cosmetics group TJoy. In the past two decades, the Shanghai government has forced the company into an ill-conceived joint venture with SC Johnson and to buy a far bigger – but loss making – state-owned company.

中国护肤品市场吸引了大批跨国企业。欧莱雅在2009年超越美国宝洁(Procter & Gamble),夺得头把交椅。日本的资生堂(Shiseido)和美国的科蒂公司(Coty Inc)也在力求分得一杯羹;科蒂公司近期收购了本土化妆品集团丁家宜(TJoy)。过去20年,上海市政府曾迫使上海家化与美国庄臣公司(SC Johnson)组建了一家考虑不周的合资企业,以及收购一家规模大得多但亏本的国有企业。

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