Tuesday, February 1, 2011

陈光标行善被批 凸显台湾疑心 Chinese philanthropist raises Taiwan’s suspicion

Early last Friday morning, a crowd of people waited outside Taipei’s Grand Hotel hoping to catch a glimpse of Chen Guangbiao, a Chinese businessman and philanthropist on a personal mission to hand out T$500m ($16m) in cash to the poor in Taiwan.


They had been encouraged by Mr Chen’s first act of charity after arriving in Taipei on Wednesday night. Stopped by an unemployed lady who told of having to take care of her 88-year-old mother, Mr Chen immediately gave her T$70,000 in red envelopes commonly handed out around Chinese New Year.


Mr Chen’s philanthropy, however, has drawn a storm of criticism in Taiwan from politicians and commentators, highlighting Taiwan’s deep-seated distrust of Chinese money, even as it is advancing economic ties with its bigger neighbour.


Taiwan Brains Trust, a pro-opposition party think tank, said Mr Chen's visit “creates suspicions that it is part of China's United Front strategy” to force reunification.

支持反对党的新台湾国策智库(Taiwan Brains Trust)表示,陈光标访台不禁让人怀疑,这是大陆统战战略的一部分。

Meanwhile, Chiu Yi-ying, an opposition legislator, said the visit harms Taiwan's national dignity. “[Mr Chen] “is clearly here to say 'I have a lot of money and am here to throw it around,” she said.

同时,反对党立法委员邱议莹(Chiu Yi-ying)表示:“(陈光标)摆明是来台湾宣示,‘老子就是很有钱,我拿钱来撒,你们排队领钱。’”

The criticism and suspicion underline how, despite an improvement in relations, Taiwan – over which Beijing still claims sovereignty – remains largely closed to Chinese businesses.


Taiwan only allowed Chinese investment into the country after mid-2009. So far, it has attracted only $132m, compared to at least $200bn in investments by Taiwanese businessmen into China over past decades.


Mr Chen has a record as a philanthropist – donating to the fundraising around the Sichuan earthquake in 2008 and giving Rmb5m through charitable organisations such as the Red Cross after Taiwan was hit by Typhoon Morakot in 2009.


However, this is the first time that any Chinese philanthropist has visited Taiwan to make donations in person. On his blog, Mr Chen said one of the purposes of his trip was to “let my Taiwanese brothers and sisters feel warmth in the winter and the well-wishes of their comrades from the motherland”.


Taiwan and China have been rivals since 1949, when the Kuomintang party fled mainland China after losing the civil war to the communists.


But since Taiwan’s president Ma Ying-jeou was elected in 2008, relations between the two sides have greatly improved. Last year, they signed a landmark trade deal, the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (Ecfa), which lowers tariffs and opens up markets on both sides of the Strait.


This more congenial political environment, together with growing Chinese demand for Taiwanese exports have yielded a “peace dividend” for Taiwan, according to Morgan Stanley analyst Frank Wang.

摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)分析师王安亚(Frank Wang)表示,这种更加友善的政治气候,加之大陆对台湾出口商品的需求与日俱增,使台湾成为了“和平红利”的受惠者。

As the controversy around Mr Chen's visit shows, however, there is still a high degree of sensitivity over Chinese funds in Taiwan. A high profile deal by China Mobile to take a stake in Taiwan's telecoms group Far Eastone in 2009 was blocked by the Taiwan government.

不过,围绕着陈光标访台的争议表明,大陆对台投资仍是一个高度敏感的话题。2009年,中国移动(China Mobile)欲收购台湾远传电信(Far EasTone)部分股份的高调交易,就遭到了台湾政府的阻拦。

Also, Hong Kong-based Primus' attempt to buy Nan Shan, one of Taiwan's biggest life insurers, came under heavy scrutiny over whether the bid was backed by Chinese funds, although it was eventually rejected for separate reasons.

此外,总部位于香港的博智金融(Primus)试图收购台湾最大寿险商之一——南山人寿(Nan Shan)的交易,也受到了台湾政府的严格审查,以查明此笔交易背后是否有大陆资金,不过这宗交易最终因其他原因而受阻。

George Tsai, a cross-Strait expert, said “a sense of insecurity and the importance of dignity” still played an important role in the Taiwanese mentality.

两岸关系专家蔡玮(George Tsai)表示,台湾人心里仍有强烈的“不安全感和尊严意识”。

“Even the idea that China gave Taiwan concessions during the Ecfa negotiations made some people in Taiwan feel humiliated,” he said.


Cross-Strait tensions still occasionally flare up. Two weeks ago, Taiwan tested anti-air missiles on the day Chinese president Hu Jintao travelled to the US.


China, meanwhile, wanted to refer to Taiwan as its “core interest” – a controversial term in Taiwan – in the joint statement issued by Mr Hu and Barack Obama, US president, according to Raymond Burghardt, US envoy to Taiwan. However, the US rejected that idea, saying it “kept Taiwan in mind”, he added.

与此同时,据美国在台协会(AIT)主席薄瑞光(Raymond Burghardt)称,大陆想在胡锦涛与美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)发表的联合声明中,将台湾称为自己的“核心利益”——这一说法在台湾备受争议——但美方拒绝了这一提议,称美国“将台湾放在心上”。

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