The Case for Business in Developing Countries
《商业对发展中国家的意义》(The Case for Business in Developing Countries)
By Ann Bernstein
作者:安•伯恩斯坦(Ann Bernstein)
Viking £20, Penguin Global $34.95
维京出版社(Viking) 20英镑,企鹅全球(Penguin Global) 34.95美元
On December 14 last year, 26 Bangladeshis woke up and left as usual for their Dhaka garment factory. They never saw the afternoon. As staff broke for lunch a fire tore through the workplace, owned by a group that makes clothes for Gap, JC Penney and Phillips-Van Heusen. Survivors said exit routes were cut off by doors locked to prevent theft. Some of those who perished jumped to their deaths from the 10th floor.
去年12月14日,26名孟加拉人醒来后像往常一样,前往位于达卡的服装厂上班。然而,他们没能活到当天下午。员工吃午饭时,一场大火吞噬了整个车间。拥有这家工厂的企业为Gap、JC Penney和Phillips-Van Heusen制造服装。幸存者说,为了防止偷窃,逃生通道的门被锁上了,无法通行。一些工人慌不择路从10楼跳下,坠地丧生。
The tragedy forced western clothing brands to confront the dismal safety record of Bangladesh’s garment industry – and reinforced a familiar activists’ narrative of underpaid workers toiling in grim conditions to serve pampered western consumers.
In this combative book, Ann Bernstein does not deny that corporate negligence and wrongdoing has caused suffering and injustice. Her point is that the worst cases should not be allowed to define the whole story of business in the developing world.
在这本有些“好斗的”书中,安•伯恩斯坦(Ann Bernstein)并没有否认企业的疏忽和过失造成了苦难和不公。但她的观点是:不应当用那些最糟糕的案例,来定义商业界在发展中国家的总体状况。
“So-called sweatshops,” she writes, “are most definitely to be welcomed and encouraged.” They are an entry point into the modern economy for unskilled people for whom the alternative to a low-paid job is no job. “I cannot think of many countries that have taken off economically which did not start their industrial revolutions with anything but awful (by modern standards) conditions in its mines and factories or on its farms.”
This point, she says, has been obscured by an anti-business worldview in the west that is contaminating debate on how to improve the lives in the poorer countries of Africa, Latin America and Asia.
Bernstein sets herself in opposition to Naomi Klein’s No Logo, the bestselling manifesto of anti-corporatism. She goes about this methodically, stacking up a series of detailed case studies to show how the humdrum activity of running a business does a lot of economic good.
伯恩斯坦的立场,与娜奥米•克莱恩(Naomi Klein)在反企业畅销书《No Logo》中的观点针锋相对。她的阐述有条不紊,罗列出一系列详细的案例研究,表明经营一家企业的单调活动是如何带来很多经济益处的。
This is not something you need to explain to poor people. Ask African slum-dwellers how to end poverty and you often get the pragmatic answer: “Give me a job”. Anger over unemployment has contributed to the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia.
Asia is central to the argument. For Bernstein, the development of Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea – and now China, India and their neighbours – shows that aid alone is not enough to end widespread poverty. Only enterprise and economic growth does that.
Business creates jobs, provides salaries, spreads knowledge, pays taxes, and sells products that make lives better and more productive. But business repeatedly fails to advertise such contributions, Bernstein says. Why? Because it has let the terms of the debate be set by non-governmental organisations and western activists who have made profit-seeking synonymous with immorality, bullying business into acting guilty and seeking penitence. This is the origin of a corporate social responsibility movement that Bernstein loathes.
Western companies feel under pressure to build schools and clinics in deprived regions that are then photographed for social responsibility brochures. With Shell in Nigeria, this makes sense. Its business in the Niger Delta is regularly sabotaged by opponents who allege that local communities get no benefit from oil extracted from their land. But local activists have also accused it of playing favourites in its distribution of projects.
西方企业迫于压力,在贫困地区修建了学校和诊所,再拍成照片、做成社会责任宣传册。壳牌(Shell)在尼日利亚这样做是合理的。该公司在尼日尔三角洲(Niger Delta)的业务,频繁遭到反对者的干扰破坏,后者声称当地社区并没有因为自己土地上的石油被开采而得到任何好处。但是,当地维权分子也指责壳牌公司在分配项目时有失公平。
In places, Bernstein over-reaches. Her argument that business spreads democracy and respect for human rights is undermined by cases of companies in cahoots with dictators. Yet that does not undermine her simpler point: that unaccountable activists with tenuous claims as advocates for the poor have got business acting as if Asia’s growth never happened.
For their part, executives must stop approaching development as a philanthropic sideshow. Instead, they should acknowledge it as an entrepreneurial challenge where they can make a real difference.
Bernstein also fails to acknowledge that the west is not calling the shots as it once did. Emerging giants such as Ambev, Petrochina and Infosys Technologies will define their own way of doing things. But they all still listen to the global conversation on development and this is why it is important for advocates such as Bernstein to make the case for business. The west’s imperial adventures, resource grabs and proxy wars harmed the developing world enough. It would be tragic if an imported mistrust of commerce denied more people the chance to benefit from its work.